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新闻 Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.1.2 发布 下载

Discussion in '软件资讯' started by 漂亮的石头, 2014-11-13.

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 Staff Member

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    Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.1.2 发布,此版本现已提供下载,更新内容如下:

    Changes in Oak 1.1.2

    [OAK-2122] - Make LuceneIndex implement AdvanceQueryIndex
    [OAK-2196] - Implement sorting based on Lucene sorting
    [OAK-2198] - Add support for declaringNodeTypes to only index node
    with specific types
    [OAK-2199] - Capture performance stats for lucene property indexes
    [OAK-2200] - Tune cost calculation for lucene property index
    [OAK-2206] - Support lucene property indexes
    [OAK-2210] - Add support for customizing the codec
    [OAK-2211] - Use Lucene index on non root node
    [OAK-2236] - Support queries with only order by specified
    [OAK-2239] - Do not wrap LucenePropertyIndex with AggregateIndex
    [OAK-2240] - Support for indexing relative properties

    Bug 修复

    [OAK-2117] - Reindex removes all nodes under index definition node
    [OAK-2186] - Change Password On First Login: Wrong Config Property
    [OAK-2188] - Add/remove version label fails with restricted access
    on /jcr:system
    [OAK-2197] - Node.getReferences throws IllegalArgumentException
    [OAK-2202] - OrderedIndex should not return the whole index on
    property=$value statement
    [OAK-2203] - Full reindexing is triggered when the IndexEditor is
    [OAK-2219] - Ordered index does not return relative properties for
    un-restricted indexes
    [OAK-2224] - Increase the threshold for warning in PathIterator
    [OAK-2226] - Aggregate Lucene no results for multiple jcr:contains
    [OAK-2227] - Increase package export on
    [OAK-2232] - External events incomplete
    [OAK-2235] - Lucene index not created if no node is indexed
    [OAK-2237] - NodeStoreKernel.getNodes throws when passing
    [OAK-2243] - User Query: Condition 'nameMatches' ignores
    authorizable id
    [OAK-2248] - IndexOutOfBoundsException in
    [OAK-2249] - Query with mixed full-text, "and", "or" conditions
    [OAK-2250] - Lucene Index property definition is ignored if its
    not in includePropertyNames config
    [OAK-2255] - PermissionStoreImpl refresh root on flush


    [OAK-1724] - Enable copying of Lucene index to local file system
    for read queries
    [OAK-2119] - AggregateIndex should support AdvanceQueryIndex
    [OAK-2125] - Integrate Lucene logging with Slf4j
    [OAK-2173] - Allow specifying custom attributes in IndexPlan
    [OAK-2178] - Lucene index boosting on certain fields
    [OAK-2189] - TarMK cold standby: update OSGi config example files
    [OAK-2194] - Print tar file graph in segment explorer
    [OAK-2201] - Make blobSize in OakDirectory configurable
    [OAK-2212] - Add configuration options for ldap connection pools
    [OAK-2213] - The unbound connection pool does not verify if the
    connection is still alive
    [OAK-2215] - Create default repository in OakRepositoryFactory
    [OAK-2216] - LIRS cache: improved concurrency when using the cache
    [OAK-2217] - Use daemon threads for scheduled executor service in
    [OAK-2218] - Allow SegmentNodeBuilder to provide child builders of
    the same type
    [OAK-2221] - Log path for text extraction error on the Lucene
    [OAK-2229] - Provide a way for Index implementation to determine
    reindex mode
    [OAK-2230] - Execution Stats for async indexing
    [OAK-2233] - Add UserIdCredentials to Oak user management
    [OAK-2241] - Support native queries for non-full-text indexes
    [OAK-2245] - UserImporter should always set the rep:authorizableID
    [OAK-2253] - Index node only if configured property changed


    [OAK-1915] - TarMK Cold Standby
    [OAK-2005] - Use separate Lucene index for performing property
    related queries
    [OAK-2138] - Alternative implementation of AuthorizableNodeName
    [OAK-2191] - Persistent cache for the DocumentNodeStore


    [OAK-2208] - MissingLastRevSeeker non MongoDS may fail with OOM

    除了以上改进,还包括了之前 Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.0.x 系列的改进。更多内容请看:https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OAK

    Apache Jackrabbit 是由 Apache Foundation 提供的 JSR-170 的开放源码实现..

    随着内容管理应用程序的日益普及,对用于内容仓库的普通、标准化 API 的需求已凸现出来。Content Repository for Java Technology API (JSR-170) 的目标就是提供这样一个接口。JSR-170 的一个主要优点是,它不绑定到任何特定的底层架构。例如,JSR-170 实现的后端数据存储可以是文件系统、WebDAV 仓库、支持 XML 的系统,甚至还可以是 SQL 数据库。此外,JSR-170 的导出和导入功能允许一个集成器在内容后端与 JCR 实现之间无缝地切换。

    Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.1.2 发布下载地址