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新闻 Scientific Linux 6.6 发布 下载

Discussion in '软件资讯' started by 漂亮的石头, 2014-11-14.

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 Staff Member

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    Scientific Linux 6.6 发布,此版本支持 i386/x86_64,跟 SL6.5 相比重大的改进如下:

    • OpenAFS 升级到 1.6.10

    • X.Org Server features a new ABI

    • Users of proprietary drivers may experience issues with the X server loading due to changes between X.Org Server 1.13 and 1.15. Users of the 32-bit iSCSI utilities on x86_64 systems may experience multilib complaints

    • The 32-bit iSCSI utilities are not provided by upstream on x86_64 platforms

    更多内容请看 release announcement 或者 release notes

    Download: SL-6.6-x86_64-2014-11-05-Install-DVD.iso (4,113MB, SHA256, pkglist). Live CD/DVD 镜像现已提供 下载

    via distrowatch.com


    Scientific Linux是一份重新编译的Red Hat Enterprise Linux,它包含了遍布世界的多种多样的实验室和大学的贡献。
    Scientific Linux 6.6 发布下载地址