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Corel Videostudio Ultimate X7 v17.1.0.22 SP1

Discussion in '专业软件' started by ilikebudit, 2014-11-14.

  1. ilikebudit

    ilikebudit 入门会员

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    Corel Videostudio Ultimate X7 v17.1.0.22 SP1
    Corel Videostudio Ultimate X7 v17.1.0.22 SP1 | 3.78 GB
    VideoStudio Ultimate X7 is designed for video processing and positioned as a simple solution for users. Among the latest innovations can provide support for Blu-ray Disc Movie Video (BDMV). Users can import files directly from BDMV Blu-ray-video cameras, to work with HD-video, animated menus and add projects to record discs Blu-ray, including double layer. VideoStudio Pro X7 supports capture, editing, authoring and maintaining video formats HDV, AVCHD, TOD (cameras JVC HD) and BDMV.
    In the program for editing and previewing files using low resolution, allowing for editing HD-video requires much less system resources. In VideoStudio Pro X7 also uses a new codec H.264, supports import and export video with the Apple iPhone and iPod Touch, improved upload videos to YouTube, is optimized to work with two quad-core processors and Intel.
    Features VideoStudio Ultimate X7:
    Import from HDV, AVCHD, Blu-ray Disc and JVC HD camcorders
    Conservation video in HD quality MPEG-4 files to the Internet with compression H.264 codec
    Export HD clips on DVD or Blu-Ray discs with BD-J aktivaciej
    Professional templates for HD video from RevoStock
    Music studijnogo quality, headers, transitions and effects in real time
    Customizable audio sounding walkway with support for SmartSound and Dolby Digital 5.1
    Package éffektov NewBlue, vklûcaûsij yourself in 3D moving
    Technology Support NVIDIA CUDA and Intel Core i7
    Express-editing mode to create clips for scitannye minutes
    Pererabotannyj New User Interface
    Loading videorolikov gives direct to YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook and Flickr
    Record HD video to DVD Standard bearers to view on the usual DVD and Blu-Ray player
    Conservation of your clips for iPod, iPhone, PSP and other mobile devices
    3 ways of making movies:
    Transfer Wizard from DV to DVD - the direct transfer of files to a disc.
    Movie Wizard - create beautifully decorated film in minutes, using high-quality patterns.
    Editor VideoStudio - disclosure of creativity with a complete set of tools for video editing.
    Powerful tools. Creativity without limits:
    Compile and record HD DVD; Plus
    Create complex effects "picture in picture" and visual effects, up to 6 tracks with superimposed;
    Create tracks with surround sound Dolby® Digital 5.1 and work with high-definition video formats (HD);
    Create a video for standard and wide screen 16: 9, as well as CDs with slide shows;
    decoration home movies with hundreds of customizable effects, filters and transitions.
    Premium 64-bit video FX apps
    Boris Graffiti
    ProDAD HandScript
    ProDAD Mercalli
    ProDAD RotoPen
    ProDAD Vitascene
    All Link Download: