注意:Discuz可以转换的项目如下,但是只能转换到IP.Board 3.3.X和3.4.x版本的程序@切记!
- vBulletin 5.x
- vBulletin 4.x
- XenForo 1.x
- phpBB 3
- Vanilla 2.x
- 4images 1.7
- bbPress
- Coppermine 1.4
- Discuz
- DragonFly
- e107
- eBlah
- FluxBB 1.4
- FudForum
- FusionBB 3.0
- Ikonboard
- InstantForum
- Joomla!
- Kunena
- MegaBBS
- MyBB
- Ning
- Photopost 6.2
- Photoplog 2.x
- phpBB2
- phpFusion
- phpMyForum
- PunBB
- SimplePress
- UBB Threads 7.5
- vBulletin 3.8
- WebWiz 8.x
- WoltLab BB 3.0
- Wordpress
- WowBB 1.7
- XMB 1.9
- Xoops
- YAF.NET 1.9
- ZenPhoto 1.2
About This File
This download is for users converting from third-party software to IP.Board 3.4.x, for more information about our converters please visit http://www.invisionpower.com/convert/
Please refer to the change log for information on what has changed in the converters.
NOTE: This converter script is for version 3.x of IP.Board. It will not work with Suite version 4.

Converters(转换程序) 1.2.16