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新闻 Socket.IO 1.2.0 发布,重要 bug 修复和 API 更新 下载

本帖由 漂亮的石头2014-10-29 发布。版面名称:软件资讯

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    Socket.IO 1.2.0 发布,包括重要的 bug 修复和一些 API 更新。



    • Fixed the npm main property in the chat example (GH#1766) [BrianGeppert]

    • Some grammar fixes to the chat example strings (GH#1784) [matthewcanty]

    • Fixed room autopruning (memory leak fix) (GH#2 GH#12) [hallucynogenyc & rase-]

    • Added tests to check room autopruning (GH#1792) [rase-]

    • Fixed the backwards compatibility option for the resource option when used through .set (GH#1690) [rase-]

    • Replaced the server constructor without the new keyword in README with createServer to avoid confusion (GH#1626) [thanpolas]

    • Fixed grammar issues in the README (GH#1788) [jamesanthonyferguson]

    • The origins option now takes a function so allowed origins can dynamically change at run time (GH#1777) [akamensky]

    • Fixed the Server#close example (GH#1773) [AjayMT]

    • Fixed typo in README code example (GH#280) [reem]

    • Added missing support for XSS filters on IE (GH#254) [pawelatomic]

    • Allow upgrades if a socket is still in closing state (GH#285) [lpinca & 3rd-Eden]

    • Updated the debug module in socket.io-adapter (GH#7) [keskival]

    • Fixed jsonp tests for transport close deferring (GH#289) [rase-]

    • Fixed the install issue of the indexOf module (GH#16) [rase-]


    • Fixed binary transport check if the content-type header contains a charset (GH#342) [bimusiek]

    • When upgrading wait for it to finish before closing transport (GH#356) [nkzawa]

    • Fixed close defer tests (GH#346) [rase-]

    • Fixed “jsonp polling iframe removal error” on connection close (GH#349) [aaronk6]

    • Fixed namespace tests after dependency upgrade in socket.io server [rauchg]

    • Possibility to use a relative url without schema (GH#754) [toshipon]

    • Fixed manual reconnection via connect function (now public API) (GH#732) [nkzawa]

    • Updated repository url (GH#762) [haqii]

    • Delaying transport closing until the drain event to send all packets left in the buffer (GH#351, GH#352) [nkzawa & rase-]

    • Now supports PhantomJS (GH#34) [divdavem]

    • Fixed an error in strict mode (GH#355) [nkzawa]

    • Had priority XHR over XDR (GH#341) [yujiosaka]

    • Enabled to stop reconnection attempts (GH#766) [nkzawa]

    • Fixed reconnection after reconnecting manually (GH#767) [nkzawa]

    • Fixed reconnection tests (GH#768) [rase-]


    • Prettier badges (GH#12) [Krinkle]

    • Readme updates to instruct in Redis authentication (GH#24) [Siedrix]

    新 API 功能示例:

    你可以指定一个函数来检测 origins,代替之前的 string representation (though the string representation still works as usual):

    var sockets = io({
    origins: function (origin, fn) {
    if (origin == 'http://foo.example') {
    return fn(null, true);
    return fn(null, false);

    初始化客户端的时候,不需要协议也能运行相关 urls :

    var socket = io('//localhost:3000');


    var socket = io({ forceNew: true });

    socket.once('connect', function() {

    socket.once('disconnect', function() {
    socket.once('connect', function() {
    console.log('Connected for the second time!');

    跟往常一样,你可以通过 CDN 获取新客户端:

    <script src="https://cdn.socket.io/socket.io-1.2.0.js"></script>

    Socket.IO 实现了实时双向的基于事件的通讯机制。旨在让各种浏览器与移动设备上实现实时app功能,模糊化各种传输机制。

    Socket.IO 是跨平台,多种连接方式自动切换,做即时通讯方面的开发很方便,而且能和expressjs提供的传统请求方式很好的结合,即可以 在同一个域名,同一个端口提供两种连接方式:request/response, websocket(flashsocket,ajax…).

    Socket.IO 1.2.0 发布,重要 bug 修复和 API 更新下载地址