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新闻 Zabbix 2.4.2rc1 发布,分布式系统监视 下载

本帖由 漂亮的石头2014-11-01 发布。版面名称:软件资讯

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    OSC 第 55 期高手问答 —— Zabbix

    Zabbix 2.4.2rc1 发布,此版本现已提供下载: http://www.zabbix.com/download.php

    Zabbix 2.4.2rc1 修复了 Zabbix 2.4.x 发现的问题,引入了一些小的新特性。 新特性概览: https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/2.4/manual/introduction/whatsnew242

    2.4.2rc1 更新内容

    :: 增加命令长度

    Increased limitation of command length for remote commands with agent.

    :: 更新翻译

    Updated Brazilian Portuguese, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Slovak and Spanish translations.

    :: 改进列表

    • [ZBX-1357] updated Brazilian Portuguese, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Slovak and Spanish translations

    • [ZBX-8503] increased limitation of command length for remote commands with agent

    :: 完整的 bug 修复和改进列表

    • [ZBX-1357] updated Brazilian Portuguese, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Slovak and Spanish translations; thanks to Zabbix translators

    • [ZBX-8503] increased limitation of command length for remote commands with agent

    • [ZBX-8978] fixed propagation of the SNMP bulk flag into discovered hosts

    • [ZBX-8978] fixed propagation of the interfaces into discovered hosts in same order as in the parent host

    • [ZBX-8970] fixed interfaces list not being displayed correctly for discovered hosts

    • [ZBX-8849] fixed redundant linking with -lcrypto when linking with Net-SNMP

    • [ZBX-8913] fixed JSON validation sometimes failing to process utf-8 sequences

    • [ZBX-8951] fixed agent crash on HP-UX 11.31 when processing "net.if.discovery" item

    • [ZBX-8901] added ability to use scientific notation and floats without leading 0 to Configuration -> Hosts -> Discovery -> Item Prototypes

    • [ZBX-6542] updated description of HousekeepingFrequency parameter in the default server and proxy configuration files

    • [ZBX-8833] fixed dynamic SNMP item cache working incorrectly for hosts with multiple SNMP interfaces, optimized cache performance

    • [ZBX-8904] fixed item.get API to not read all host interfaces when option "selectInterfaces" is used

    • [ZBX-8538] added Net-SNMP retry of 1 for cases where Zabbix will not be retrying itself

    • [ZBX-8538] changed the strategy to decrease the optimal number of variables two times only

    • [ZBX-8232] fixed performance issues in maps

    • [ZBX-8948] fixed memory leak when checking Template condition during action processing

    • [ZBX-6353] improved history cache performance when it's flooded with data from less than 1000 items

    • [ZBX-8916] fixed "lastlogsize" not being updated in the configuration cache when values are received from the agent

    • [ZBX-8877] fixed filters not hiding/showing for IE11

    • [ZBX-8794] fixed parsing of runtime control options and related error messages

    • [ZBX-8885] fixed building of Zabbix daemons with IBM DB2 support on systems with newer gcc compilers

    • [ZBX-8791] fixed importing sysmaps when host elements are linked and have a trigger assigned to the link

    • [ZBX-8072] fixed bug when long messages were not truncated to 2KB when inserting into alerts table on DB2 databases

    • [ZBX-6174] fixed "skipDependent" option in trigger.get API call to correctly handle cases when triggers on which they depend are disabled

    • [ZBX-8887] fixed error messages when saving graph with invalid width and height

    • [ZBX-8699] fixed zbx_sleep_loop() to handle correctly signal arrival

    • [ZBX-8793] fixed processing of snmp value to represent it as integer

    • [ZBX-8726] fixed warning messages shown by deprecated PHP 5.6 options "mbstring.internal_encoding" and "always_populate_raw_post_data"

    • [ZBX-8817] fixed incorrect clearing of web scenario item history and trends

    • [ZBX-8830] fixed map pop-up menu "Triggers" link being always disabled for host group map elements

    • [ZBX-5561] fixed configuration failure during cross compilation; thanks to Christof Lauber for the patch

    • [ZBX-8621] added validation of received SNMP responses and warnings in case SNMP responses are bad

    • [ZBX-8764] added missing validation for resource ID in screenitem.create and screenitem.update API

    • [ZBX-8754] fixed crash in escalator when processing an alert without an user, but with a media type set


    Zabbix 2.4.2rc1 发布,分布式系统监视下载地址