FST 2.12 发布了,改进记录包括: did some optimization to get 2.x performance closer to 1.x added (optional) off heap configuration using unsafe to read/write values added simple api (see DefaultCoder) to directly serialize from/to byte arrays without the need for streams added possibility to directly serialize from/to offheap memory (long adr) zero copy (see OffHeapCoder, OnHeapCoder). added Long2Object Offheap hashmap fixed bug in offheap map FST fast-serialization 是重新实现的 Java 快速对象序列化的开发包。序列化速度更快(2-10倍)、体积更小,而且兼容 JDK 原生的序列化。要求 JDK 1.7 支持。 下载地址:https://github.com/RuedigerMoeller/fast-serialization/releases/download/v2.12/fst-2.12.zip FST 2.12 发布,Java 快速序列化库下载地址