Apache DeltaSpike 1.1.0 发布,此版本是第十二个版本,文档请看这里。此版本现已提供下载,更新内容如下: Bug 修复 [DELTASPIKE-732] - Servlet API module needs beans.xml [DELTASPIKE-733] - Documentation: CSS missing for https [DELTASPIKE-736] - MockAwareInjectionTargetWrapper breaks interceptors in unit tests [DELTASPIKE-738] - ViewConfigTest relies on ordering of elements in a HashSet [DELTASPIKE-739] - BeanBuilder#readFromType should respect @Typed [DELTASPIKE-742] - validateBindings fails with owb for secured-stereotypes with values [DELTASPIKE-744] - check is-prefix of converter-/validator-methods [DELTASPIKE-748] - Fix DS Security AbstractAccessDecisionVoter documentation [DELTASPIKE-752] - ensure a secure maximum length of the window-id [DELTASPIKE-753] - Initial redirect does not encode URL [DELTASPIKE-754] - Empty dswid-paramter causes infinite redirects [DELTASPIKE-757] - Create tests for WindowContextQuotaHandler [DELTASPIKE-764] - missing cleanup in EmbeddedServletContainer 改进 [DELTASPIKE-544] - api for a fine-grained control of @ViewAccessScoped beans [DELTASPIKE-735] - allow multiple stereotypes annotated with @Secured [DELTASPIKE-755] - cache proxy to ViewConfigResolver [DELTASPIKE-763] - check usage of disabled feature 新特性 [DELTASPIKE-751] - WindowContextQuotaHandler Apache DeltaSpike 包含一组 JSR-299 (CDI) 扩展,用于构建 Java SE 和 EE 平台的应用程序。 Apache DeltaSpike 1.1.0 发布下载地址