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新闻 Apache Syncope 1.2.1 发布,数字身份管理 下载

本帖由 漂亮的石头2014-11-22 发布。版面名称:软件资讯

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    Apache Syncope 1.2.1 发布,Apache Syncope 是用在企业环境的数字身份管理,在JEE技术的实施和Apache 2.0许可下发布的开源系统。

    这是 1.2.0 的维护版本,主要是 bug 的修复,包括:


    • [SYNCOPE-554] - Class Cast Exception when syncronization task starts

    • [SYNCOPE-557] - Exception during report execution when matching condition is not provided for user and role reportlets

    • [SYNCOPE-560] - build-tools classes artifact not published to Maven repository

    • [SYNCOPE-561] - HTML reports not displayed correctly with no external resources

    • [SYNCOPE-562] - Duplicated configuration parameters in the CATTR table

    • [SYNCOPE-564] - Error while viewing user details in approval request workflow from Approvers login

    • [SYNCOPE-565] - Error on ResourceModalPage when override a SpinnerField in the ConnectorModalPage

    • [SYNCOPE-566] - Name attribute value disappears after changing attribute type during schema manipulation

    • [SYNCOPE-567] - Security question is not displayed correctly during password reset

    • [SYNCOPE-568] - Connectors configuration "check connection"

    • [SYNCOPE-569] - The user status is not propagated on the resources

    • [SYNCOPE-571] - ResourceConnConfPanel feedback panel does not work

    • [SYNCOPE-572] - overridable resource connector properties cannot be changed

    • [SYNCOPE-574] - NullPointerException in ConnInstanceDataBinder with Java 8

    • [SYNCOPE-576] - The values of configuration parameters are not saved

    • [SYNCOPE-578] - Role bulk delete not working

    • [SYNCOPE-596] - Standalone persistence not configured for H2

    • [SYNCOPE-597] - Error when serializating SyncToken with byte array type during sync task from Active Directory

    • [SYNCOPE-598] - Push Task fails on role with LDAP resource with rolemapping defined

    • [SYNCOPE-600] - Approval chains do not work from second form onwards

    • [SYNCOPE-601] - AD deleted object synchronization fails if a sync policy is specified on one or more attributes that can have no values on Syncope

    • [SYNCOPE-603] - Remote unauthorized exception when a user makes a request to add a role to his profile

    • [SYNCOPE-605] - Impossible to update the connector capabilities

    • [SYNCOPE-570] - Remove usage of deprecated com.thoughtworks.selenium.Selenium

    • [SYNCOPE-575] - Choose between stable and snapshot release

    • [SYNCOPE-599] - Enhance console's authorization.xml parsing

    • [SYNCOPE-602] - Make form approver available as workflow variable

    • [SYNCOPE-604] - allow configuring empty connid location list
    New Feature

    • [SYNCOPE-558] - Ability to configure which user, role and membership attributes to display, and in which order

    • [SYNCOPE-573] - Upgrade ConnId connectors to latest versions featuring ConnId
    Apache Syncope 1.2.1 发布,数字身份管理下载地址