RichFaces 4.5.1.Final 发布了,RichFaces 是一个具有 Ajax 和 JSF 特性 的 Web 框架。 该版本改进记录宝库: Bug [RF-12166] - richfaces distribution - missing assembler.xml in showcase sources [RF-12654] - PartialViewRender skips check for whether column is rendered before checking if children can be rendered [RF-13828] - a4j jsFunction does not work inside a form with enctype="multipart/form-data" [RF-13883] - render-attribute of a4j:commandLink is ignored [RF-13892] - rich:contextMenu with rich:dataTable - after ajax re-render of table contextMenu no longer works [RF-13893] - Resource optimization - Invalid reference for gradientA.png [RF-13898] - Not able to tab out from rich:select field in a table. [RF-13899] - selected item in rich:select not highlighted after refresh [RF-13904] - RF can be deployed to Mojarra < 2.1.28 [RF-13905] - Select: attribute onlistshow doesn't work when enableManualInput=true [RF-13906] - Calendar - Show selected date JS error [RF-13908] - Validation quickstart: UnsupportedOperationException after confirmation of the registration [RF-13909] - Attribute render doesn't work in command button/link, jsFunction [RF-13912] - rich:select inside panelGrid [RF-13916] - Nested collapsibleSubTable only collapse ten row BUG [RF-13917] - Showcase: update the version of RF in readme [RF-13922] - Ajax requests fail if triggered outside of form [RF-13923] - Editor toolbar configuration cannot be changed Component Upgrade [RF-13902] - Upgrade dependencies in jsf-test [RF-13915] - Upgrade third-party libraries Enhancement [RF-11088] - rich:select modify manualInput behavior to avoid single item scoped item list popup when editing value [RF-13232] - Enable flexible changing of the deployed archive name for general deployments, e.g. CoreDeployment [RF-13867] - Provide a way to access FlotCharts options Feature Request [RF-13532] - Support JSF 2.2 resetValues attribute for a4j:ajax [RF-13855] - Rich line chart string value on one of axis [RF-13861] - rich:chart doesn't preserve ordering of data [RF-13900] - rich:select should support selection by first character if enableManualInput is not used RichFaces 4.5.1.Final 发布,JSF 框架下载地址