JBoss Forge 2.12.3.Final 发布了,该版本完全 Docker 化了,支持使用 Docker 作为分发格式,如果你已经安装了 Docker ,可通过运行 docker run -it jboss/forge 来进行体验;此外该版本更好的与 Shell 进行交互;升级了第三方组件 Roaster 到 2.10.0 版本,支持源码格式化;增加了新的命令用来创建 JPA 命名查询。 完整内容包括: Bug [FORGE-2026] - Scaffold setup fails on Windows [FORGE-2147] - Error messages are displayed twice in the console when an exception is thrown from a UICommand [FORGE-2151] - cdi-new-interceptor doesn't generate an @AroundInvoke on the method [FORGE-2154] - Cannot add two dependencies that differ only in the 'type' attribute to a new Maven project's POM. [FORGE-2156] - Shell fails parsing of command when using VirtualResources [FORGE-2158] - org.jboss.forge.addon.dependencies.Dependency.getArtifact() always returns null Component Upgrade [FORGE-2155] - Upgrade to Roaster 2.10.0.Final Enhancement [FORGE-2142] - Prompt for UISelectMany should allow unselecting values [FORGE-2157] - Make JSF 2.1 the default version on Faces Setup Feature Request [FORGE-1669] - Allow alternative Interactive Wizard execution style [FORGE-2041] - parameterless wizards are not friendly Task [FORGE-2159] - Create a Docker image to run Forge Sub-task [FORGE-2138] - Being able to add a @NamedQuery to an existing entity Forge 是一个快速应用开发工具,用来开发 J2EE 应用,提供一个可扩展的插件系统,强大的命令方式等等特性。 JBoss Forge 2.12.3 发布,支持 Docker !下载地址