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新闻 BlueMind Stable 3.0.16 发布,消息和协作平台 下载

本帖由 漂亮的石头2014-12-18 发布。版面名称:软件资讯

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    BlueMind Stable 3.0.16 发布,此版本现已提供下载

    注意,ElasticSearch 已升级,所以你的索引也需要升级。



    ALTR-270 Fix: handle firefox bug making image not readable for chrome in mail composer
    BM-2485 ALTR-273 Fix: autocomplete contact intelligence
    BM-3021 Fix: escape or remove special chars in mail search
    BM-4265 Fix: enable cache bypass for js and css files
    BM-4265 Fix: prevent scope part of webmail search to be empty
    BM-4265 Fix: sometimes search was not effective, or search result was added to normal mailbox listing
    BM-4297 Fix: disable threading in search results
    BM-4297 Fix: escape or remove special chars from autocomplete search to prevent search errors
    BM-4372 Feat: change participation of another user from webmail
    ELANZ-65 Fix: if the same email address is present into in multiple fields (cc/to/cci), the address was collected multiple times
    MDSO-401 Fix: add an empty default value for column without value in mail list
    SMILE-144 Fix: sort search result on arrival date
    SMILE-150 Fix: enable contextual menu on new webmail window
    TLIB-190 Fix: contact listing order
    TLIB-208 Fix: fix autocomplete on groups


    BM-4318 : update elasticsearch to 1.4.1


    MDSO-403 Fix: autocomplete on dlist with an &
    MDSO-403 Fix: moving a list from a addressbook is now synchronized
    BM-2446 Fix: propagate tag changes to calendar/contact synchronisation


    TLIB-199 Imp: Add email alias in search criterion on directory entry
    Support Root certificate without basic constraint


    ALTR-181 Fix: null owner for calendars loaded from a view
    BM-1761 Fix: event owner is now correctly set when coming from quick create popup
    BM-3448 Fix: could not change event date in event form when time format was 1:00AM
    BM-3974 Imp: make freebusy handler work with resources and generic calendars
    BM-4224 Fix: keep partstat from external ics request
    MDP-195 Fix: calendar list printing date use user timezone to display footer date (printing date)
    MDP-204 Fix: update event CalendarEvent duplicate keys
    MDSO-369 Fix: do not strip color style on rich editor sanitize
    MDSO-397 Fix: external events cannot be updated
    BM-4085 Fix: if dlist was the first item of the list the remove does not show an error anymore
    BM-2446 fix: propagate tag changes to calendar/contact synchronisation

    Instant Messaging:

    Fix: missing status on the wire

    Unified communications:

    BM-4406 Fix: dialer widget was hidden by webmail search field
    Feat: fetch phone status from bridge
    Chore: improve log
    BM-4315 Imp: xivo port
    BM-4244 Fix: make bm-pimp configure xivobridge


    Fix: prevent concurrent backup

    Imap proxy:

    BM-4236 Fix: rename of long folder names with accents is now fine in outlook
    BM-4345 Chore: deactivate squatter
    HLM-34 Fix: copy archives between users, fetch archived in mailshare
    BM-4416 Fix: don't break on uppercase system flags


    ALTR-255: append as much as we can in the index
    BM-4338 Fix: improve logs
    BM-4338 Fix: reactivate influxdb stats
    Fix mailshare with a name not being one of their email (p.3mi vs 3mi)
    SMILE-143 Fix: put the right folder name in ES when a filter delivers to a subfolder


    Improve: exchange-migration-tool migrate contact photo

    Outlook connector:

    ADV-41 Fix: meeting re-created with user as organizer when meeting have not been synchronized in Outlook before it was cancelled by original organizer.
    Fix: delete appointment created in calendar by receiving/reading a meeting request in another user mail folder.
    BM-3974 Feat : freebusy for resources and domain calendars

    Thunderbird connector:

    BM-4296 Fix: cancel creation of distribution list in read-only directory
    BM-4373 Feat: change participation of another user from tbird

    Mobile Synchronization (EAS):

    BM-4317 Fix: /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync returns 503 during SW
    BM-4332 Fix: duplicate items
    BM-4333 Fix: empty subject in french mail notification

    We wish you a pleasant install/upgrade!

    Blue Mind 是一个 Java 开发的消息和协作平台,提供可伸缩的共享消息、日程、联系人,同时支持多个移动平台 (iPhone, iPad, Android, etc.)、Outlook 和 Thunderbird。设计简单,提供面向Web服务的插件架构。

    BlueMind Stable 3.0.16 发布,消息和协作平台下载地址