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新闻 Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.0.9 发布 下载

本帖由 漂亮的石头2014-12-23 发布。版面名称:软件资讯

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.0.9 发布,此版本现已提供下载,更新内容如下:

    Changes in Oak 1.0.9


    [OAK-2261] - Enable support for NodeType based indexing rules
    [OAK-2268] - Support index time Aggregation of repository nodes
    [OAK-2278] - Same Lucene index to support both property restrictions and fulltext constraints

    Bug 修复

    [OAK-1693] - "like '%'" does not use an index
    [OAK-1707] - RestrictionProviderImpl returns empty pattern if all supported restrictions are set
    [OAK-1782] - DiffCache not populated after cache miss
    [OAK-1916] - NodeStoreKernel doesn't handle array properties correctly
    [OAK-1988] - Confusing debug message about old revision access
    [OAK-2000] - Observation events accessibility not checked correctly
    [OAK-2015] - PermissionStore doesn't reflect dynamic nature of jcr:all
    [OAK-2077] - Improve the resilence of the OrderedIndex for dangling links
    [OAK-2095] - ClassCastException in NodeDocument
    [OAK-2140] - Segment Compactor will not compact binaries > 16k
    [OAK-2192] - Concurrent commit during compaction results in mixed segments
    [OAK-2249] - Query with mixed full-text, "and", "or" conditions fails
    [OAK-2250] - Lucene Index property definition is ignored if its not in includePropertyNames config
    [OAK-2254] - Observation events accessibility check should respect session refresh settings
    [OAK-2256] - MemoryNodeBuilder NPE on base() following root refresh
    [OAK-2259] - SegmentBlob equals check should verify compaction in both directions
    [OAK-2260] - TarMK Cold Standby can corrupt bulk segments
    [OAK-2271] - Compaction estimation time should not depend on number of checkpoints
    [OAK-2288] - DocumentNS may expose branch commit on earlier revision
    [OAK-2289] - Async indexer checkpoints not cleaned up under heavy load
    [OAK-2297] - Update for absent document may throw NPE
    [OAK-2308] - Incorrect recovery of _lastRev for branch commit
    [OAK-2315] - Index cost is sometimes negative
    [OAK-2317] - UserValidator: Detect nested authorizables introduced by change of primary type
    [OAK-2318] - DocumentNodeStore.diffManyChildren() reads too many nodes
    [OAK-2320] - Wrong optimization for joins with ISDESCENDANTNODE conditions
    [OAK-2322] - Compaction estimation includes all data segments
    [OAK-2327] - DataStoreBlobStore should log exception thrown while reading inputstream
    [OAK-2328] - add logging in OrderedContentMirrorStorateStrategy for better investigation
    [OAK-2330] - Field boost not working if the property for indexing is picked using aggregate index rules
    [OAK-2332] - LIRS cache: deadlock if a value loader access the cache
    [OAK-2335] - IndexPlanner does not return plan for mixin based queries
    [OAK-2336] - NodeDocument.getNodeAtRevision() may read too many revisions
    [OAK-2345] - Diff reads too many nodes
    [OAK-2347] - TarMK Cold Standby FSDS mirroring
    [OAK-2355] - TarMK Cold Standby expose standby read timeout value
    [OAK-2356] - Logic for writing properties in SegmentWriter.writeNode looks off


    [OAK-1609] - Configurable property exclusions for SolrIndexEditor and SolrQueryIndex
    [OAK-1681] - Clarify contract of NodeBuilder.isReplaced()
    [OAK-1706] - Add RestrictionProvider#getPattern(String,Set<Restriction>)
    [OAK-1723] - Text content should not be stored as part of Index data
    [OAK-1830] - DocumentNodeStore code robustness when persistence
    [OAK-2031] - MemoryNodeBuilder#set only works on root builders
    [OAK-2178] - Lucene index boosting on certain fields
    [OAK-2190] - Support for like query for string
    [OAK-2205] - Allow native query to be run against specifc property index
    [OAK-2218] - Allow SegmentNodeBuilder to provide child builders of the
    same type
    [OAK-2241] - Support native queries for non-full-text indexes
    [OAK-2253] - Index node only if configured property changed
    [OAK-2293] - Add checkpoint management for MongoMK
    [OAK-2302] - Simplify query debugging with MDC
    [OAK-2306] - Path restriction evaluation support within LucenIndex
    [OAK-2309] - Persistent cache: config option for autoCompact
    [OAK-2321] - Provide details in log when reindexing is completed by
    [OAK-2326] - Debug logging for merge failures
    [OAK-2342] - Clean up collision markers
    [OAK-2350] - Improve performance of user query with scope set
    [OAK-2351] - Property name regex should only be applied on property name
    [OAK-2361] - MBean to expose DocumentNodeStore runtime state


    [OAK-2305] - Merge OAK-2202 into the 1.0 branch
    [OAK-2352] - Release oak-run as part of Oak release


    [OAK-2136] - remove RDB support from 1.0 branch
    [OAK-2270] - Resolve usage of ImmutableTree wrt OSGi constraints
    [OAK-2272] - Compatibility support for pre index rule configuration
    [OAK-2276] - Support for index format version
    [OAK-2277] - Field for analyzed field should use different name
    [OAK-2279] - Add testMode support in IndexPlanner
    [OAK-2280] - Support path restriction in IndexPlanner
    [OAK-2282] - Make current testcases pass with new index implementation
    [OAK-2283] - Fix inconsistent handling of includedPropertyTypes
    [OAK-2286] - Extract text from binaries in SolrIndexEditor if no binary
    specific field is provided
    [OAK-2298] - LuceneIndex should provide correct cost based on index size
    [OAK-2353] - Support for "order by jcr:score descending" in lucene
    property index

    更多内容请看 issues 列表

    Apache Jackrabbit 是由 Apache Foundation 提供的 JSR-170 的开放源码实现..

    随着内容管理应用程序的日益普及,对用于内容仓库的普通、标准化 API 的需求已凸现出来。Content Repository for Java Technology API (JSR-170) 的目标就是提供这样一个接口。JSR-170 的一个主要优点是,它不绑定到任何特定的底层架构。例如,JSR-170 实现的后端数据存储可以是文件系统、WebDAV 仓库、支持 XML 的系统,甚至还可以是 SQL 数据库。此外,JSR-170 的导出和导入功能允许一个集成器在内容后端与 JCR 实现之间无缝地切换。

    Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.0.9 发布下载地址