Karaf 3.0.2 发布了,Karaf是Apache旗下的一个开源项目.Karaf同时也是一个基于OSGi的运行环境,Karaf提供了一个轻量级的OSGi容器,可以用于部署各种组件,应用程序. 下载地址: apache-karaf-3.0.2.zip apache-karaf-3.0.2.tar.gz 改进记录: Bugs * KARAF-609 - Karaf features core bundle gets stack to creating state if there is no access to the default maven repositories * KARAF-677 - Karaf is missing osgi/minimum from the ee defined in config.properties * KARAF-1137 - Corrupted output for bundle:info command in 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT * KARAF-1246 - add a version checker for karaf start script * KARAF-1350 - features-maven-plugin cannot resolve a feature without an explicit descriptor * KARAF-1545 - Jar files in lib directory require "karaf-" prefix in order to be loaded * KARAF-1553 - Command service references should be AUTO_EXPORT_INTERFACES * KARAF-1560 - config:update throws ClassCastException when used on a Configuration with boolean fields created in the web console * KARAF-1561 - Restart Framework from Web Console's System Information tab results in Karaf dying * KARAF-1584 - karaf-maven-plugin ignores provided scope on dependency * KARAF-1894 - Framework's active start level is set to org.osgi.framework.startlevel.beginning too early when launching Karaf with empty bundle cache * KARAF-2095 - Camel Route (JMS Polling) not working when installing feature "jndi" * KARAF-2269 - Servicemix Specs Activator/OsgiLocator Broken due to KARAF-2136 * KARAF-2295 - features deployer is useless for dynamic updates * KARAF-2315 - The check for jvm.dll happens to early in the bat file * KARAF-2390 - Fix namespace handlers provided service header * KARAF-2420 - blueprint deployer: redeploy untouched blueprint xml in deploy folder after restart * KARAF-2481 - LogService WebConsole view doesn't work with Equinox * KARAF-2519 - karaf-maven-plugin ignores dependent feature repositories when building an assembly * KARAF-2563 - Compilation fails with JDK 8 ea * KARAF-2594 - The use of inheritable thread locals in ThreadIO can cause problems * KARAF-2596 - install-kars goal of the karaf-maven-plugin ignores bundles listed in the features that have the "dependency" property set to "true" * KARAF-2602 - Support Java 8 * KARAF-2656 - Config service doesn't create a file in etc if it doesn't exist * KARAF-2725 - jpa feature should install org.osgi.enterprise 5.0.0 bundle * KARAF-2726 - Openjpa feature installs wrong jpa spec bundle * KARAF-2728 - feature:install fails with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException * KARAF-2732 - Karaf doesn't start without internet connection * KARAF-2742 - karaf-maven-plugin can not include filtered resources in a custom distribution * KARAF-2743 - karaf-maven-plugin can not create custom Karaf with Apache Camel * KARAF-2750 - karaf-maven-plugin install-kar doesn't include config file in the system folder * KARAF-2755 - Encrypt password mechanism pollutes the group * KARAF-2786 - Comment the default key and document how to change/enable it * KARAF-2787 - Add a way to specify the client key * KARAF-2800 - karaf-maven-plugin only supports mvn URL * KARAF-2804 - Karaf Maven Plugin throws errors when trying to install pax-web-features with compile scope * KARAF-2828 - Reintroduce system as a default repository * KARAF-2830 - Karaf scripts java version check should be more "flexible" * KARAF-2878 - The thread reading the system input stream should exit automatically when the console bundle stops * KARAF-2890 - The env variables can't be read while running karaf as a Linux service * KARAF-2895 - installation website link produces 404 not found page * KARAF-2898 - Maven feature validation did not accept WAR bundle (WAB) artifacts. * KARAF-2910 - Properties login module seems to leak a PropertiesInstaller reference results in OOM * KARAF-2913 - JAAS JDBCBackingEngine has the wrong condition to iterate results, no users are returned * KARAF-2914 - JAAS JDBCBackingEngineFactory: Wrong query from the configuration * KARAF-2920 - Karaf freezes during startup * KARAF-2946 - Duplicate package exports because of accidently deployed bundles * KARAF-2950 - scr:list displays no output * KARAF-2957 - LDAP login module cannot handle slashes in CN * KARAF-2962 - Manual doesn't compile * KARAF-2980 - strip off tabs/spaces around role|group names * KARAF-2981 - Karaf shutdown hangs in SshServer.stop() * KARAF-2982 - Command history is off by one * KARAF-2989 - rmiServerHost configruation doesn't work on Karaf 3.x * KARAF-2990 - url list order for org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.repositories property in org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.cfg matters * KARAF-2991 - Shell Console throws exception when a service contains int[] as value for a property * KARAF-2992 - Generate the shutdown command at first boot * KARAF-2996 - shutdown +n command not work and shutdown hh:mm not been validated * KARAF-3000 - Whitespace in feature file bundle element value causes NumberFormatException * KARAF-3012 - Console only NPEs in response to all commands * KARAF-3017 - Concurrency issues in FeaturesService related to add/remove/list operations * KARAF-3021 - Keyboard still read after log:tail cancelled * KARAF-3023 - Wrong repositories for features after "features:list -o" command in 2.3.x * KARAF-3033 - The system bundle should export and boot delegate javax.xml.crypto packages * KARAF-3044 - Can't shutdown karaf via wrapper on AIX * KARAF-3052 - Allow passing through custom ldap properties * KARAF-3054 - client doesn't load using IBM JDK * KARAF-3055 - tabbing in subshell displays more than commands of the current subshell * KARAF-3056 - Upgrade to JLine 2.12 * KARAF-3061 - Problems with jaas:realms / jaas:manage commands when using multiple realms of the same name * KARAF-3064 - SSH Console regenerates the SSH key on each restart * KARAF-3065 - help doesn't work in subshell * KARAF-3069 - Karaf is missing the osgi.ee capabilities when using equinox as framework * KARAF-3071 - etc/org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.cfg file contains replaced string in instances that should not be * KARAF-3072 - Instance etc files are not sync with the root etc files * KARAF-3087 - can't ssh to the karaf container in latest karaf 3.0.2 snapshot kit * KARAF-3091 - Maven Coordinates of org.eclipse.equinox.region * KARAF-3092 - Remove ${services-${karaf.framework}} variables from org.osgi.framework.system.capabilities * KARAF-3095 - itests randomly fail to get the JMXConnector * KARAF-3096 - Karaf doesn't start with Equinox 3.9.1 * KARAF-3098 - Check the usage of config.properties in main module * KARAF-3099 - Karaf doesn't start on some Windows 7 system * KARAF-3103 - config:edit does not correctly handle configuration visibility for --factory calls. * KARAF-3105 - Cannot use LDAPLoginModule with ActiveDirectory * KARAF-3108 - Fix webconsole CSS * KARAF-3114 - Call to ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer() fail due to RBAC * KARAF-3115 - add address flag when create a child instance * KARAF-3117 - The console welcome message is garbled when the console is restarted * KARAF-3123 - BundleWatcherImpl tries to stop bundle fragments * KARAF-3127 - bin/instance script doesn't work * KARAF-3128 - Update ops4j/oss sonatype repositories URL * KARAF-3129 - RAT plugin error on ssh key files * KARAF-3137 - Karaf doesn't start due to jline constraint * KARAF-3149 - Karaf chooseurl for jclouds is wrong * KARAF-3150 - kar:install doesn't support classifier in a MVN URL * KARAF-3151 - Blueprint managed-properties doesn't call the update-method * KARAF-3154 - Feature repo org.ops4j.pax.cdi-0.7.0 contains broken feature * KARAF-3158 - Incorrect javax.annotation version for java7 * KARAF-3159 - Fix feature deployer documentation about auto installation of the features * KARAF-3162 - Update the security documentation as the PropertiesConverter doesn't exist anymore * KARAF-3170 - Java8 packages related to JavaFX are missing * KARAF-3176 - sshRole and jmxRole are not functionnal * KARAF-3178 - spring-struts 3.2.9.RELEASE_1 feature doesn't install correctly * KARAF-3179 - aries-annotation feature doesn't install * KARAF-3180 - openwebbeans feature doesn't install * KARAF-3192 - Don't throw IllegalStateException when can't find attribute for a certain bean * KARAF-3196 - Export sun.misc package from the system bundle * KARAF-3197 - Can't type anything in the console on Windows platform * KARAF-3204 - Avoid calls to Configuration#setBundleLocation(null) which are not needed * KARAF-3210 - karaf:features-generate-descriptor fails with Maven 3.1.x and 3.2.x : required class was missing ... org/sonatype/aether/RepositorySystem * KARAF-3211 - Error while installing transaction feature * KARAF-3212 - karaf.data variable not correctly resolved while installing the pax-http feature * KARAF-3213 - ConcurrentModification exception in FileInstall/Upgrade to Felix FileInstall 3.4.1 * KARAF-3221 - Wrong scr:list command used causing NPE * KARAF-3224 - Support wrap URL with option * KARAF-3232 - Feature installation looks for MANIFEST as first position in the jar * KARAF-3244 - EntityManager Factory not available * KARAF-3248 - bundle:refresh doesn't work without argument * KARAF-3249 - Error: "usage: dirname path" when Karaf is located under path with spaces * KARAF-3250 - JVM options ignored on Windows * KARAF-3258 - KarService returns immediately after Kar install * KARAF-3273 - zodiac.springsource.com repo is missing from the default repository set (required for gemini-blueprint feature) Dependency upgrade * KARAF-2279 - Upgrade to OSGi Core 5.0.0 * KARAF-2565 - Upgrade to OSGi Compendium 5.0.0 * KARAF-2861 - Upgrade to ASM 5.0.3 * KARAF-2868 - Upgrade to aries jmx core 1.1.2 * KARAF-2874 - Upgrade to XBean 3.18 * KARAF-2906 - Upgrade to fileinstall 3.4.0 * KARAF-2928 - Upgrade to Aries JMX Core 1.1.2 * KARAF-2932 - Upgrade to Felix WebConsole 4.2.2 * KARAF-2933 - Upgrade to Jasypt 1.9.2 * KARAF-2936 - Upgrade to slf4j 1.7.7 / Pax Logging 1.7.3 * KARAF-2937 - Upgrade to json 20140107 * KARAF-2945 - Upgrade to Aries Proxy 1.0.3 and Aries spifly 1.0.1 in order to support ASM5 and Java8 * KARAF-2954 - Upgrade to Pax Exam 3.5.0 * KARAF-3028 - Update Pax Web dependency to 3.1.1 * KARAF-3031 - Upgrade to Pax URL 2.1.0 * KARAF-3046 - Upgrade to gogo runtime 0.12.1 * KARAF-3049 - Upgrade to sshd 0.11 * KARAF-3101 - Upgrade to Spring 4.0.5.RELEASE * KARAF-3106 - Upgrade to blueprint core 1.4.1 * KARAF-3109 - Upgrade to Pax Exam 4.0.0 * KARAF-3120 - Upgrade to Aries JPA 1.0.2 * KARAF-3121 - Upgrade to Aries Blueprint Annotation 1.0.1 * KARAF-3131 - Upgrade to Hibernate 4.2.15.Final/4.3.6.Final * KARAF-3140 - Upgrade to sshd 0.12.0 * KARAF-3156 - Upgrade to Pax CDI 0.8.0 * KARAF-3157 - Upgrade to Pax Exam 4.1.0 * KARAF-3171 - Upgrade to Aries Blueprint CM 1.0.4 * KARAF-3182 - Upgrade to Felix EventAdmin 1.4.0 * KARAF-3183 - Upgrade to bndlib 2.3.0 * KARAF-3184 - Upgrade to commons-beanutils 1.9.2 * KARAF-3185 - Upgrade to Felix BundleRepository 2.0.2 * KARAF-3191 - Upgrade to Pax Web 3.1.2 * KARAF-3198 - Cleanup Pax Swissbox dependencies * KARAF-3201 - Upgrade to pax-logging 1.7.4 * KARAF-3206 - Upgrade to ConfigAdmin 1.8.0 * KARAF-3226 - Upgrade to Spring 4.0.7.RELEASE * KARAF-3227 - Upgrade to Spring 3.2.11.RELEASE * KARAF-3233 - Upgrade to Pax Exam 4.2.0 * KARAF-3243 - Upgrade to Pax URL 2.2.0 * KARAF-3265 - Upgrade to Aries Blueprint CM 1.0.5 Documentation * KARAF-2958 - Use of type-converters in Karaf Security Documentation is incorrect * KARAF-3066 - Improve OpenEJB documentation in manual * KARAF-3167 - Document the configfile override behaviour Improvement * KARAF-448 - Make scanning for MANIFEST.MF in jar consistent between osgi:install and feature:install * KARAF-1250 - Cleanup karaf-maven-plugin * KARAF-1514 - Improve feature file generation to be able to create features out of special feature poms * KARAF-1698 - Add support for role-based JMX authorization * KARAF-2299 - WARN message should be logged when a boot feature installation fails * KARAF-2453 - Using features to extend existing configuration * KARAF-2749 - BundleSelector should be more "selective" * KARAF-2803 - Set org.apache.aries.blueprint.preemptiveShutdown to false by default * KARAF-2831 - Switch to pax url uber bundles * KARAF-2871 - Command description for http:* commands * KARAF-2916 - Add fully qualified DN replacement for role search * KARAF-2918 - Provide ability to set a banner prior to user login via ssh * KARAF-2921 - bin/karaf selecting the wrong Java VM on a computer with Java 8 installed * KARAF-2941 - Let jdbc be more robust against broken data sources * KARAF-2944 - Add jasypt-spring31 bundle to jasypt-encryption feature * KARAF-2974 - Mentioning of version number delimiter missing in obr:deploy command help * KARAF-2978 - RBAC-- recognize group configuration when use Publickey to Login * KARAF-2984 - Improve setenv script to include placeholder for extra java options * KARAF-2995 - RBAC - the shell command acl configuration modification can't take effect unless we restart the Karaf server * KARAF-3001 - RBAC - MBean Server RBAC guard should support wildcard role * KARAF-3002 - RBAC-add a jmx.acl.whitelist so that all ObjectName in this list will bypass the RBAC * KARAF-3020 - RBAC-put "type" right after the domain when generate the PID from JMX ObjectName * KARAF-3022 - RBAC - support the JMX operation match starts with a wildcard * KARAF-3024 - RBAC - Support wildcard in jmx.acl.....cfg filename * KARAF-3041 - Provide additional helper methods in OsgiCommandSupport * KARAF-3042 - Add a variable (false by default) to enable redirect to karaf.out * KARAF-3045 - Simplify console branding * KARAF-3073 - Add jvisualvm config in monitoring documentation * KARAF-3075 - AdminService should avoid writing file in case just read instance status * KARAF-3112 - make stopTimeout of AdminService configurable * KARAF-3124 - Provide shell:env command * KARAF-3126 - add more specific completer for admin:start|stop command * KARAF-3130 - add admin:change-ssh-host command * KARAF-3134 - Log executed shell commands at debug level * KARAF-3143 - Refereing Pax-Web features with version range * KARAF-3164 - Document exposing JAAS BackendEngineFactory services for the login module * KARAF-3166 - Add SyncopeLoginModule (including backend) * KARAF-3222 - Command description for osgi:shutdown could be improved * KARAF-3246 - Rename jpa features as jpa/jpa20 and jpa21 * KARAF-3255 - Document jasypt property placeholder * KARAF-3256 - Duplicated classes from org.osgi.core * KARAF-3268 - remove karaf.admin.role New Feature * KARAF-2070 - Add support of !$ to recall the last command argument * KARAF-2917 - Command to display bundle id * KARAF-2961 - When a feature is generated from a bundle project, include that bundle in the feature * KARAF-3034 - Automatically create data sources from configuration files * KARAF-3058 - add backing engine serivce for org.apache.karaf.jaas.modules.publickey.PublickeyLoginModule * KARAF-3059 - add a flag to bin/client so that it can read private key from a specified location * KARAF-3104 - Add the connector feature from ServiceMix Task * KARAF-3068 - Update to Spring 3.2.9.RELEASE_1 Karaf 3.0.2 发布,轻量级 OSGi 容器下载地址