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新闻 calibre 2.15 发布,电子书管理软件 下载

本帖由 漂亮的石头2015-01-03 发布。版面名称:软件资讯

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    calibre 2.15 发布,此版本现已提供下载,更新内容如下:


    • Edit Book: Add auto-completion for links.

      Now as you type the filename in href or src attributes, a popup with possible completions is displayed. See http://manual.calibre-ebook.com/edit.html#auto-complete for details.

    • Edit Book Function mode: Add builtin functions to change case of text, ignoring HTML tags in the matched text

    • Edit Book - Check Book: Allow auto-fixing of file not in spine errors

    • Driver for Papyre 624 ml

      Closes tickets: 1405901

    • Conversion: Convert images encoded as data URIs in the input document into normal images, as some ebook reader software cannot handle data URIs.

      Closes tickets: 1405803
    Bug 修复

    • AZW3 Input: Handle AZW3 files that contain Amazon specific CSS media queries.

      Closes tickets: 1406708

    • Fix regression that broke the markdown-calibre command

    • Edit Book - Show what changed: Fix scrollbar sometimes not visible if the differences contain a few, very long lines. Also fix the line numbers being partially obscured on some systems (depending on the font used).

      Closes tickets: 1406056

    • Edit Book: Fix a regression that caused the Home key to not move to the start of the line on lines containing un-indented tags

    • Get Books: Update the Amazon (US) plugin for website changes.

      Closes tickets: 1406040

    • MOBI Input: Fix incorrect conversion of MOBI files that wrap their content inside <a> anchor tags.

      Closes tickets: 1405858

    Calibre是电子书管理软件,支持Amazon、Apple、Bookeen、Ectaco、Endless Ideas、Google/HTC、Hanlin Song设备及格式,功能十分强大。

    calibre 2.15 发布,电子书管理软件下载地址