Apache Curator 2.7.1 发布了,zookeeper 的客户端调用过于复杂,Apache Curator 就是为了简化zookeeper客户端调用而生,利用它,可以更好的使用zookeeper。 改进记录: Bug [CURATOR-175] - If zookeeper is down when discovery is started, it fails to register when the zookeeper comes up for the first time. [CURATOR-179] - Sequential path creation of /somepath/N throws exception [CURATOR-181] - discovery: registration of wrong/old service instance on RECONNECT Improvement [CURATOR-111] - CuratorFramework.Builder should allow adding multiple auths [CURATOR-140] - Support the initial data for the node in InterProcessReadWriteLock [CURATOR-166] - Make ZKPaths accept more than one child [CURATOR-170] - ChildReaper would benefit by being able to manage multiple paths [CURATOR-176] - Currently difficult to write ServiceDiscovery admin console [CURATOR-177] - Pull request: Use Curator in thread names Apache Curator 2.7.1 发布,zookeeper 客户端简化下载地址