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新闻 newLISP 10.6.2 稳定版发布,功能更新和 BUG 修复 下载

本帖由 漂亮的石头2015-01-20 发布。版面名称:软件资讯

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    newLISP 10.6.2 稳定版发布,此版本现已提供下载:


    • A new function (collect exp [int-max-count]) reapeatedly evaluates exp and collects results in a list until evaluation yields nilor an optional maximum count of results is collected.

    • An addtional syntax of the reset function can be used to change the maximum cell count as reported by sys-info.

    • Some PCRE regular expression options can now be given as either numbers or letters. Multiple letter optiosn can be combined in a string. This affects all functions using regular expressions. See the regex function for details.

    • The regex function now gives offset and length in number of UTF-8 characters when PCRE UTF8 option 2048 or "u" is specified.

    • A second syntax pattern for copy allows copying a newLISP cell from a memory address. This is useful when interfacing with C-language code.

    • The get-string function now takes one or two additional optional parameters for two new syntax patterns. The new patterns allow creating string buffers from memory address locations limited by size or a limit string. Using special limit strings, UTF16 and UTF32 strings of unknown size can be copied. This is useful when interfacing with C-language code.

    • The macro? predicate now also can be used on symbols to test if a symbol was created using the macro function.

    • A wrong UDP option in net-connect or net-listen will now throw an error message. Previously wrong UDP options were ignored.

    • json-parse now translates JSON null to a symbol nullin newLISP not nil as before.
    Bug 修复

    • rotate on a (copy str) expression corrupted memory.

    • The flt function now returns an unsigned integer on all platforms. Previusly on 32-bit versions a signed integer was returned.

    • The crc32 function will not sign-extend on 32-bit newLISP.

    • The protected? function did not recognize macro symbols as protected.

    • Fixed multi-line shell mode on Windows when comments are present.

    除了 json-parse 的 null 翻译,其他都兼容之前的版本 10.6.0。
    newLISP 10.6.2 稳定版发布,功能更新和 BUG 修复下载地址