Spring Security OAuth 2.0.6.RELEASE 发布,此版本是个 bug 修复,建议 2.0.5 用户尽快升级。此版本仅包括一个关键的 bug 修复:JWT 用户刷新 tokens 的问题。同时还修复了一些用户发现的重定向 URLs 双重解码的问题。值得关注的特性如下: (Much requested) ability to have non-expiring refresh tokens with no customizations (just set the validity period to zero or less) The /token endpoint only accepts POST requests by default Resource servers do not accept cookie based authentication by default (you have to switch it on) Resource server configuration has a few new options including the ability to inject custom error handlers 更多内容请看发行说明。 Spring Security的OAuth插件,同时提供了OAuth客户端(consumer)和服务器端(provider)的实现,支持OAuth1(a)和OAuth2。 Spring Security OAuth 2.0.6.RELEASE 发布下载地址