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新闻 Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.1.6 发布 下载

本帖由 漂亮的石头2015-02-10 发布。版面名称:软件资讯

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.1.6 发布,此版本现已提供下载:http://jackrabbit.apache.org/downloads.html

    Oak 1.1.6 改进内容


    [OAK-2329] - Use LuceneQuery parser to create query from fulltext
    [OAK-2417] - reduce primary key size in RDBBlobStore
    [OAK-2421] - Clean up orphaned branches
    [OAK-2446] - make DELETEDONCE an indexed property
    [OAK-2447] - implement DELETEDONCE as indexed property in RDB
    [OAK-2455] - Support for invoking suggestor via Query
    [OAK-2457] - Suggestor support within Oak Lucene
    [OAK-2458] - support RDB persistence in oak-run modes console and
    [OAK-2467] - Suggestor support within Oak Solr

    Bug 修复

    [OAK-1709] - Diff cache entry too large
    [OAK-1799] - Create a benchmark for Full text search with Solr
    [OAK-2369] - DataStoreWrapperBackend not updated to latest
    extensions added to Backend interface
    [OAK-2389] - issues with JsopBuilder.encode and .escape
    [OAK-2418] - int overflow with orderby causing huge slowdown
    [OAK-2425] - DefaultSolrServerProvider should use
    ConcurrentUpdateSS for indexing
    [OAK-2426] - [LucenePropertyIndex] full-text search on first level
    relative node returns no result
    [OAK-2427] - XPath to SQL-2 conversion fails due to escaping error
    [OAK-2429] - MissingIndexProviderStrategy too eager to set the
    reindex flag
    [OAK-2430] - TARMK Cold Standby size increase due to checkpoints
    [OAK-2433] - IllegalStateException for ValueMap on _revisions
    [OAK-2434] - Lucene AND query with a complex OR phrase returns
    incorrect result
    [OAK-2435] - UpdateOp.Key.equals() incorrect
    [OAK-2436] - LucenePropertyIndex throws IllegalStateException: No
    query created for filter when using order by jcr:score
    [OAK-2439] - IndexPlanner returning plan for queries involving
    [OAK-2441] - Regression with Node.getPrimaryNodeType and
    getMixinNodeTypes wrt Jackrabbit 2.x
    [OAK-2442] - NoSuchElementException thrown by NodeDocument
    [OAK-2449] - offline compaction (via oak-run) broken
    [OAK-2450] - MongoDocumentStore fails for DELETED_ONCE indexed
    [OAK-2465] - Long overflow in PermissionEntryProviderImpl


    [OAK-2105] - Review padding for blobs collection
    [OAK-2175] - Support for rep:spellcheck
    [OAK-2177] - Configurable Analyzer in Lucene index
    [OAK-2179] - Rep:similar support in Lucene index
    [OAK-2181] - Create whitelist / blacklist of properties to be
    indexed / filtered for Solr index
    [OAK-2252] - make generic VersionGCSupport perform better
    [OAK-2296] - Update sql2.txt test to account for name property
    presence in non test nodes
    [OAK-2341] - Use approx counters property index costs even when
    path restriction is available
    [OAK-2372] - TARMK Cold Standby improve test cases for FSDS
    [OAK-2415] - Improve logging in repository migration in upgrade
    [OAK-2422] - Improve logging in Lucene indexer
    [OAK-2448] - Do not create nodeChildren cache entry for leaf
    [OAK-2451] - Avoid clean up in XmlImportTest benchmark
    [OAK-2452] - Avoid lookup of conflicting node with
    [OAK-2453] - Move MongoDiffCache to mongo package
    [OAK-2454] - Upgrade: reduce implementation dependency
    [OAK-2459] - Pre-populate version storage with intermediate nodes
    [OAK-2462] - reduce code duplication between
    Utils.getSelectedDocuments and MissingLastRevCandidateIterator
    [OAK-2463] - Provide support for providing custom Tika config
    [OAK-2464] - Optimize read of known non-existing children
    [OAK-2469] - Restrict the maximum number of terms that will be
    indexed for a single field
    [OAK-2470] - Support for maxExtractLength while parsing binaries
    with Tika
    [OAK-2471] - Include index name in the log from LuceneIndexEditor


    [OAK-1658] - Similar (rep:similar) support for Solr
    [OAK-1990] - Utility js methods to manage Oak data in Mongo
    [OAK-2220] - Support for atomic counters (non-clustered)


    [OAK-2431] - Avoid wrapping of LuceneIndexProvider with
    AggregateIndexProvider in tests
    [OAK-2438] - Evaluate support for must(must_not(x)) query with

    Oak issue tracker:https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OAK

    Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.1.6 发布下载地址