SYSSTAT是一个软件包,包含监测系统性能及效率的一组工具,这些工具对于我们收集系统性能数据,比如CPU使用率、硬盘和网络吞吐数据,这些数据的收集和分析,有利于我们判断系统是否正常运行,是提高系统运行效率、安全运行服务器的得力助手。 Sysstat 11.1.3 发布,此版本现已提供下载:。 此版本更新内容如下: * sar/sadc: Added new metrics from /proc/meminfo to memory statistics. * sadf: Update output formats to take into account new memory metrics. * [Peter Schiffer]: Fixes from static analysis. * [Peter Schiffer]: Prefer xz compression program when compressing sa data files [11.0.3]. * [Peter Schiffer]: Portable way to detect 64 bit OS in configure script [11.0.4]. * [Vasant Hegde]: sadc: Fix possible race condition in signal handler code [11.0.3]. * Fix description of %util in iostat and sar manual pages [11.0.3]. * Fix wrong size used in upgrade_magic_section() function. * Add new sadc_options variable to configure script. * Rename --disable-man-group option to --disable-file-attr. This configure's option prevents the build process from setting attributes of files being installed. * Make sure that no crontabs are activated when configure's option --enable-copy-only is used [11.0.3]. * FAQ updated. * RPM spec file updated. * sar manual page updated. * sadc manual page updated [11.0.3]. * CREDITS file updated. * Code cleaned [11.0.3]. 更多内容请关注这里。 Sysstat 11.1.3 发布,Linux 系统管理工具包下载地址