CoreOS Alpha 593.0.0 发布,此版本更新内容如下: Reverted to coreos-cloudinit 1.2.1 CoreOS Alpha 592.0.0 更新内容如下: coreos-cloudinit 1.3.1 CoreOS Alpha 591.0.0 更新内容如下: Linux 3.18.6 Docker 1.5 Changed mount propagation from "shared" to "slave" Fixed sshd issue on Azure etcd 0.4.7 coreutils 8.23 coreos-cloudinit 1.3.0 flannel 0.3.0 Format the root ext4 filesystem with the maximum number of inodes, required for many docker workloads when using the new overlay backend. 更多更新内容和下载请看这里: CoreOS Alpha 593.0.0 发布,服务器操作系统下载地址