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新闻 OpenResty 发布,基于 Nginx 的应用服务器 下载

本帖由 漂亮的石头2015-03-02 发布。版面名称:软件资讯

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    OpenResty 发布,OpenResty (也称为 ngx_openresty)是一个全功能的 Web 应用服务器。它打包了标准的 Nginx 核心,很多的常用的第三方模块,以及它们的大多数依赖项。

    • upgraded the Nginx core to 1.7.10.

    • bugfix: applied the upstream_filter_finalize patch to the nginx core to fix corrupted $upstream_response_time variable values when filter_finalize and error_page are both used. thanks Daniel Bento for the report and Maxim Dounin for the patch.

    • bugfix: ./configure: added --without-http_upstream_least_conn_module and --without-http_upstream_keepalive_module to the usage text (for --help) to reflect recent changes in the nginx core. thanks Seyhun Cavus for the report.

    • bugfix: ./configure: renamed the --without-http_limit_zone_module option to --without-http_limit_conn_module to reflect the change in recent nginx cores. thanks Seyhun Cavus for the report.

    • upgraded LuaJIT to v2.1-20150223: https://github.com/openresty/luajit2/tags

      • x86/x64: fix code generation for fused test/arith ops. thanks to Alexander Nasonov and AFL.

      • fix string to number conversion. thanks to Lesley De Cruz.

      • fix lexer error for chunks without tokens.

      • LJ_FR2: fix bytecode generation for method lookups.

      • FFI: Prevent DSE across ffi.string().

      • imported Mike Pall's latest changes:

    • upgraded LuaNginxModule to 0.9.15.

      • bugfix: the value of the Location response header set by ngx.redirect() or the ngx.header.HEADER API might get overwritten by nginx's header filter to the fully qualified form (with the scheme and host parts).

      • bugfix: lua_shared_dict: use of Lua numbers as the value in shared dict might lead to unaligned accesses which could lead to crashes on architectures requiring data alignment (like ARMv6). thanks Shuxin Yang for the fix and thanks Stefan Parvu and Brandon B for the report.

      • bugfix: using error codes (ngx.ERROR or >=300) in ngx.exit() in header_filter_by_lua* might lead to Lua stack overflow.

      • feature: improved the debugging event logging for timers created by ngx.timer.at().

      • optimize: fixed padding holes in our struct memory layouts for 64-bit systems to save a little memory.

      • optimize: header_filter_by_lua*: removed a piece of useless code. thanks Zi Lin for the report.

      • doc: emphasized the capability of using nginx variables in the Lua file path in content_by_lua_file/rewrite_by_lua_file/access_by_lua_file.

    • upgraded SrcacheNginxModule to 0.29.

      • bugfix: upon cache hits, we might let the nginx core's header filter module overwrite the Location response header's values like "/foo/bar" to the fully-qualified form (like "http://test.com/foo/bar"). thanks AlexClineBB for the report.

    • upgraded RestyCLI to 0.02.

      • bugfix: we did not explicitly specify the pid file path, which may conflict with the default pid path if the user compiles nginx with the --pid-path=PATH ./configure option. thanks fancyrabbit for the report.
    OpenResty 发布,基于 Nginx 的应用服务器下载地址