Spring Cloud 1.0.0.RELEASE 现已提供在 Maven Central (和 repo.spring.io),相比 RC3 版本并没有太大改进,修复了一些 bug。 Spring Cloud 为开发者提供了在分布式系统(如配置管理、服务发现、断路器、智能路由、微代理、控制总线、一次性 Token、全局锁、决策竞选、分布式会话和集群状态)操作的开发工具。使用 Spring Cloud 开发者可以快速实现上述这些模式。 Spring Cloud 1.0.0 主要改进内容: Config server with git backend Config client featuring refresh and encryption/decryption as well as the bootstrap phase in Spring application lifecycle Common abstractions for load balancer, service discovery and circuit breaker Security integrations: declarative SSO and proxy authentication strategies Eureka for service discovery: client and server (with UI) Eureka sidecar for non-JVM clients Automatic reverse proxy using Zuul Spring configuration model for Zuul filters Spring configuration model for Ribbon load balancer Feign declarative web service clients (with Ribbon integration) RestTemplate integration with Ribbon Hystrix for circuit breaker: client and dashboard (UI) Turbine for circuit breaker aggregation, pull over HTTP and push over AMQP AWS integration: relational databases, messaging and EC2 metadata AMQP bus for a defined set of operational events like config changes Groovy CLI with support for most of the above 更多内容请看 http://cloud.spring.io 和 Github。 Spring Cloud 1.0.0 正式发布下载地址