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新闻 io.js 1.5.0 发布,服务器端 JS 引擎 下载

本帖由 漂亮的石头2015-03-08 发布。版面名称:软件资讯

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    io.js 1.5.0 发布,此版本值得关注的改进如下:

    • buffer: 新 Buffer#indexOf() 方法

    • fs: 在 'fs' 方法的 options 对象属性不再执行一个 hasOwnProperty() 检测

    • tls: 解决了 PayPal 报告的类似 TLS 的内存泄漏问题

    • npm: 升级 npm 到 2.7.0 版本

      • 145af65#4887 Replace calls to thenode-gyp script bundled with npm by passing the--node-gyp=/path/to/node-gyp option to npm. Swap in pangyp or a version of node-gyp modified to work better with io.js without having to touch npm's code! (@ackalker)

      • 2f6a1df#1999 Only run stop and startscripts (plus their pre- and post- scripts) when there's no restart script defined. This makes it easier to support graceful restarts of services managed by npm. (@watilde /@scien)

      • 448efd0#2853 Add support for --dev and--prod to npm ls, so that you can list only the trees of production or development dependencies, as desired. (@watilde)

      • a0a8777#7463 Split the list printed bynpm run-script into lifecycle scripts and scripts directly invoked via npm run-script. (@watilde)

      • a5edc17#6749 init-package-json@1.3.1: Support for passing scopes to npm init so packages are initialized as part of that scope / organization / team. (@watilde)

    • TC: Colin Ihrig (@cjihrig) resigned from the TC due to his desire to do more code and fewer meetings.

    • Possible TLS-related memory leak, details at #1075.

    • Windows still reports some minor test failures and we are continuing to address all of these as a priority. See #1005.

    • Surrogate pair in REPL can freeze terminal #690

    • Not possible to build io.js as a static library #686

    • process.send() is not synchronous as the docs suggest, a regression introduced in 1.0.2, see #760 and fix in #774

    • Calling dns.setServers() while a DNS query is in progress can cause the process to crash on a failed assertion #894


    IO.js 是为 V8 引擎编写的基于事件 IO 的实现。


    * `gcc` and `g++` 4.8 or newer, or
    * `clang` and `clang++` 3.3 or newer
    * Python 2.6 or 2.7
    * GNU Make 3.81 or newer
    * libexecinfo (FreeBSD and OpenBSD only)
    io.js 1.5.0 发布,服务器端 JS 引擎下载地址