Midnight Commander 4.18.4 发布,此版本现已提供下载:https://github.com/MidnightCommander/mc/archive/4.8.14.zip 相比上一版本,更新内容如下: Core Minimal version of GLib is 2.14.0 Add new panel binding "SelectExt" to select/unselect files with the same extension as the current file (#3228) Speed up of directory size calculation (#3247) Support of italic text (#3065) Editor New syntax highlighting support: puppet (#3266) Viewer Rewrite mcview's rendering and scrolling (#3250, #3256) no more partial lines at the top and failure to scroll when Up or Down is pressed; better handling of CJK characters; handle combining accents; improved nroff support; more conventional scrolling behavior at the end of the file. Use VIEW_SELECTED_COLOR in plain mode (#3405) In QuickView panel, don't pass any chars to command line to avoid unexpected command execution (#3253) Misc Code cleanup (#3265, #3262) Bind poedit to Edit action for .po files (#3287) Better grammar mcedit user menu (#3246) 修复 Fail to build against musl libc (#3267) Error compiling with glib 2.20.3 (#3333) Overwrite of the PROMPT_COMMAND bash variable (#2027) contrib/*.?sh are not recreated after rerun of configure (#3181) File rename handles zero-length substitutions incorrectly (#2952) Lose files on "Skip" when "Cannot preallocate space for target file" (#3297) Info panel can't obtain file system statistics on Solaris (#3277) "Shell patterns" broken beyond repair (#2309) File selection by patterns uses bytes instead of unicode characters (#2743) Copy files dosn't work as expected, when copying to a directory with the special symbol in its name (#3235) Wrong order of old_colors table items (#3404) Input line: Alt+Backspace on one-letter word erases too much (#3390) "Directory scanning" window is too narrow (#3162) No Help for User Menu (#3409) mcedit: paste from clipboard does not work (#3339) mcviewer: hang when viewing broken man page (#2966) mcview hex: incorrect highlight when search string not found (#3263) mcview hex edit: UTF-8 chars are not updated (#3259) mcview hex edit: can't enter certain UTF-8 characters (#3260) mcview hex edit: CJK overflow (#3261) mcedit: status line doesn't show full path to file (#3285) Freeze when copying from one FTP location to another (#358) 详细更新列表请看这里。 Midnight Commander,简称mc,是一个基于文本模式的文件管理器,而它的前辈其实就 是DOS下的Norton Commander。 它们有相同的底层,在顶部带有一个下拉菜单,两个用来显示文件和信息的大窗口,底部 有一个命令行和一个快捷键提示信息。 任何对Norton Commander熟悉的人都会马上喜欢上Midnight Commander的。 和它的前辈比较起来,mc作为一个Linux程序,提供了很多附加的功能: 依靠NFS文件系统,显示远程计算机上的目录信息。 通过FTP以FTP目录树的方式在窗口中连接到远程计算机。 能以文件树的形式显示Tar,Cpio和RPM文件。 支持Unix系统特殊的命令,诸如:改变文件属主(chown)和改变文件权限(chmod), 建立硬链接和符号链接(links和symlinks)。 另外,Midnight Commander还提供了远比它的前辈多的配置选项。 Midnight Commander 4.18.4 发布下载地址