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新闻 Sublime Text 3 Build 3080 发布,文本编辑器 下载

本帖由 漂亮的石头2015-03-24 发布。版面名称:软件资讯

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    Sublime Text 3 Build 3080 发布,修复了很多功能,并完善了一些细节,比如说:增加了下载功能;比较上一版本运行更快;未来Sublime Text 将允许注册用户访问,并参与Dev构建。

    Sublime Text 3 Build 3080 发布,主要修改信息如下:

    • Fixed Redo sometimes restoring the selection to the incorrect location

    • Reworked how Build Systems are selected (More Information)

    • Build Systems may now declare "keyfiles" (e.g., 'Makefile' for the Make build system) to better auto detect which build system to use

    • Improved handling of build systems that generate lots of output

    • New windows always use the automatic build system, rather than the build system of the last used window

    • Command Palette now remembers the last entered string

    • Improved change detection for files that disappear and reappear, as happens with disconnected network drives

    Sublime Text 3 Build 3080 下载地址如下:

    Sublime Text 是一个轻量、简洁、高效、跨平台的编辑器。

    Sublime Text 3 Build 3080 发布,文本编辑器下载地址