BlueMind 3.0.20 发布,此版本是个稳定版本,现已提供下载。 更新内容: ----------- ### Addressbook - BM-4873 Fix: Contact and DList delete needed a refresh to be acknowledged - SMILE-164 Fix: Use a less greedy mechanism to send error to server from JS - MDP-221 Fix: Performance boost on contact sync - SMILE-164: Refresh displayed contact list after dlist add/removal - TLIB-223 Fix: performance boost on contacts tags loading. ### Calendar - BM-4723 Fix: Prevent event / contact description with more than 1M chars - HLM-42 Fix: Do not set an alert on organizer when organizer is a contact - SMILE-164 Fix: Use a less greedy mechanism to send error to server from JS - BM-4879 Fix: private flag was missing from DAV synchronization ### Instant Messaging - Offline messages handling: message stanzas sent to recipients that are offline were discarded. Only subscribe/unsubcribe stanzas were handled (and replayed) ### Mobile devices - BM-4843 Imp: now passing the Microsoft ActiveSync conformity test - BM-4844 Fix: skip folders with space-only names in EAS hierarchy ### Administration Console - BM-4858 Fix: don't crash when activating CAS by default - BM-4859 Fix: from bm-checks does not fail when Tika is down ### Outlook Connector - COAX-179 Imp: use a custom hashcode on event to avoid sending irrelevant Outlook modifications to server ### Authentication - failures were missing in our influx usage data ### IMAP Proxy - BM-3729 Revert: user creation from LDAP at first login is only possible through the browser: BM-3729 was causing memory leaks when using rich clients - BM-4716 just close the connection when rejecting big messages - BM-4716 prevent most buffer copies when dealing with big downloads - REFLEX-27 Fix: allow authentication with an alias - Imp: exception handling when connection is broken - Imp: remove some buffer size specs as when we set them, because it seems to disable some internal dynamic sizing and slows down mail uploads ### Inter-process Message Queue - COAX-170 Fix: prevent core out of memory error ### Misc - TLIB-218: Fix: Now using an https URL for sockjs integration (for older browsers compatibility), which was detected as non-secure by IE9 Blue Mind 是一个 Java 开发的消息和协作平台,提供可伸缩的共享消息、日程、联系人,同时支持多个移动平台 (iPhone, iPad, Android, etc.)、Outlook 和 Thunderbird。设计简单,提供面向Web服务的插件架构。 BlueMind 3.0.20 发布,消息协作平台下载地址