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新闻 Android Studio 1.2 Beta 2 发布 下载

本帖由 漂亮的石头2015-04-10 发布。版面名称:软件资讯

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    Android Studio 1.2 Beta 2 发布,该版本主要包括重要的 bug 修复:

    • Fixed bug which caused Gradle sync to not run until manually invoked at least once. This resulted in lots of unresolved/red symbols in the editor. (Issue 163270)

    • Fixed "Import Settings" bug which prevented settings from 1.0/1.1 to be imported into 1.2 on Windows and Linux (issue 160023)

    • Detect when the ibus-daemon is used on Linux and point to page with information for working around keyboard related issues

    • Fixed import from Eclipse project to move resource files from source folders into src/main/resources such that they are packaged correctly for runtime (issue 144355

    • Fixed symbol resolution for libraries that bundle artifacts (issue 161537), and correctly set dependencies on AARs exposed as artifacts (issue 162634)

    • Fixed bug where creating a new project had no visible feedback for 5-10 seconds (issue 162620)

    • Fixed bug where the IDE would hang if the Messages window had errors (issue 152828)

    • Fixed incorrect window parenting in the AVD manager (issue 163063)

    • Fixed a couple of bugs in the Android Wear templates (hardcoded package name, and incorrect wear module dependency)

    • Fixed vmoptions parsing order on Linux

    Android Studio 是一个全新的 Android 开发环境,基于 IntelliJ IDEA. 类似 Eclipse ADT,Android Studio 提供了集成的 Android 开发工具用于开发和调试,在 IDEA 的基础上,Android Studio 提供:

    • 基于 Gradle 的构建支持

    • Android 专属的重构和快速修复

    • 提示工具以捕获性能、可用性、版本兼容性等问题

    • 支持 ProGuard 和应用签名

    • 基于模板的向导来生成常用的 Android 应用设计和组件

    • 功能强大的布局编辑器,可以让你拖拉 UI 控件并进行效果预览

    Android Studio 1.2 Beta 2 发布下载地址