JSHint 2.7.0 发布,此版本主要有以下更新: Add more tests for extends config option Replace underscore with lodash Extends overrides section of base config [[CHORE]] Nit picking the quotes [[FIX]] emit I003 more carefully and less annoyingly Added xdescribe to list of jasmine vars [[FIX]] Accept get and set as ID properties Add missing options for unused [[FIX]] Prevent incorrect warnings for relations [[FIX]] Relax restrictions on singleGroups [[FIX]] default to empty string in src/cli.js loadIgnores [[FIX]] Incorrect 'Unclosed string' when the closing quote is the first character after a newline 详细信息请查看发行页面。 此版本现已提供下载: https://github.com/jshint/jshint/archive/2.7.0.zip JSHint 是一个 JavaScript 的代码质量检查工具,主要用来检查代码质量以及找出一些潜在的代码缺陷。 该工具也提供在线版本,请点击下面的软件首页。 JSHint 2.7.0 发布,JavaScript 代码质量检查下载地址