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新闻 MyFaces Core 2.2.8 发布,JSF 框架 下载

本帖由 漂亮的石头2015-04-17 发布。版面名称:软件资讯

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    MyFaces Core 2.2.8 发布,现已提供下载

    此版本 Bug 修复如下:

    [MYFACES-3233] - f:ajax event - type="javax.el.ValueExpression
    (must evaluate to java.lang.String)" not supported
    [MYFACES-3947] - Passthrough Element textarea doesn't work
    [MYFACES-3948] - Wrong check of facelets libraries last
    modification time in FacesConfigurator
    [MYFACES-3949] - javax.faces.ViewState autocomplete
    [MYFACES-3951] - Action not performed on first click
    [MYFACES-3956] - ResourceHandler.libraryExists(...) does not work
    for resource library contracts
    [MYFACES-3960] - AjaxBehaviorEvent should be queued before ActionEvent
    [MYFACES-3964] - c:foreach not working when using custom equals or
    non serializable objects
    [MYFACES-3965] - SKIP_ITERATION visit hint not set when component
    tree is visited during navigation
    [MYFACES-3966] - Setting oamEnableViewPool="false" causes
    NullPointerException in ViewPoolProcessor.pushPartialView()
    [MYFACES-3967] - View Pooling - ViewScope missing for Static Structure Views
    [MYFACES-3969] - Flow initalizer called before inbound parameters are set
    [MYFACES-3970] - topic Each <contract-mapping> element
    can have one or more <contract> elements.
    [MYFACES-3973] - <partial-response> element does not contain an
    "id" attribute
    [MYFACES-3974] - Ajax delay attribute with a value of "none" does not work
    [MYFACES-3975] - PreClearFlashEvent called on every JSF request
    regardless of Flash use
    [MYFACES-3976] - f:viewAction phase attribute reverts to INVOKE_APPLICATION
    [MYFACES-3977] - 12.1.3 add this text to the

    MyFaces是 JSF (JavaServerFaces) Web框架 (JSR 127)的一个实现。JavaServer(tm) Faces Web框架是一个新的实现MVC模式的规范。
    MyFaces Core 2.2.8 发布,JSF 框架下载地址