IPFire 2.17 Core 89 发布,此版本更新了许多软件包和修复了一些 bug,并增加了一些新增特性,包括: 新增 VPN 连接图,新的错误处理机制。 具体的新特性: OpenVPN Net-To-Net Statistics: Connection statistics of OpenVPN net-to-net connections are now collected and graphed. Dynamic DNS Updater: The dynamic DNS updater tool ddns has been massively extended - A database is used to track successful and failed updates. ddns will automatically back-off when an update could not be performed and will re-try after a longer time. nsupdate.info asked to never repeat any updates after one has failed for any reason 更多内容请看发行说明。 此版本现已提供下载:ipfire-2.17.i586-full-core89.iso (155MB, pkglist)。 IPFire 是建立在 Linux 源码上的防火墙发行版,并且还带有大量的附加功能。它易于设置和管理。它采用的状态检测防火墙,内容过滤引擎,交通控制质量( QoS ) , VPN技术,和大量的记录。 IPFire 2.17 Core 89 发布,Linux 防火墙下载地址