phpMyAdmin 4.4.4 发布,此版本是个 bug 修复版本: - bug #4863 Edit vs Change - bug #4859 Don't scroll (to bottom) when editing multiple rows - bug #4862 Misaligned Inline edit field - bug #4861 Use of undefined constant PMA_DRIZZLE - bug #4865 sprintf(): Too few arguments - bug #4866 Limit column ordering in index edit dialog - bug #4867 Incorrect ALTER TABLE statement generated - bug #4870 Inconsistency in 'Ignore' checkbox in insert page - bug #4869 Drop column action not asking to confirm - bug #4871 Error on creating table - bug Undefined index: Rows 此版本现已提供下载:Download phpMyAdmin-4.4.4-all-languages.tar.bz2 (7.4 MB)。 phpMyAdmin是一个非常受欢迎的基于web的MySQL数据库管理工具。它能够创建和删除数据库,创建/删除/修改表格,删除/编辑/新增字段,执行SQL脚本等。 phpMyAdmin 4.4.4 发布,MySQL 管理工具下载地址