Nginx 1.9.0 开发版发布,该版本增加了 stream module 用于一般的 TCP 代理和负载均衡。 下载地址:nginx-1.9.0 nginx/Windows-1.9.0 其他改进包括: *) Change: obsolete aio and rtsig event methods have been removed. *) Feature: the "zone" directive inside the "upstream" block. *) Feature: the stream module. *) Feature: byte ranges support in the ngx_http_memcached_module. *) Feature: shared memory can now be used on Windows versions with address space layout randomization. *) Feature: the "error_log" directive can now be used on mail and server levels in mail proxy. *) Bugfix: the "proxy_protocol" parameter of the "listen" directive did not work if not specified in the first "listen" directive for a listen socket. Nginx 1.9.0 开发版发布,支持 TCP 代理下载地址