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新闻 Keycloak 1.2.0.CR1 发布,SSO 集成解决方案 下载

本帖由 漂亮的石头2015-05-06 发布。版面名称:软件资讯

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    Keycloak 1.2.0.CR1 发布,更新了管理控制台、 登录页和帐户管理,以更好地适应 PatternFly 的外观和感觉。使得 Keycloak 和其他 JBoss 项目之间能够更好地集成。在客户端方面,将 Keycloak 应用程序和 oauth 客户端合并成一个客户端了,管理更加轻松了。


    • Token mapping - Through token mapping it's possible to pull in additional information from brokered identity providers

    • Store and retrieve external token - It's now possible to store the token retrieved from brokered identity providers. Clients can retrieve this if they need to invoke services secured by the external identity provider.

    • Persist and manage consents - When a user consents access to a client the consents are now saved. Users can also view and manage consents given to clients through the account management console.

    • Password Policies - Through password policies it's now possible to prevent re-use of previous passwords, require users to regularly update their password and also provide a regular expression for required password format.

    • HttpClient SPI - The introduction of a HttpClient SPI makes it possible to configure the HTTP connections initiated by Keycloak. For example to provide a trust store.

    • KeycloakContext - KeycloakContext is exposed through KeycloakSession and gives providers access to HTTP headers, cookies, query parameters, etc.

    • Logging Updates - The JBoss Logging event listener is now enabled by default for new realms. This makes it easier to view debug log information for login events.

    • Spring Security Adapter preview - We now have a Spring Security Adapter. There's is no documentation and we haven't tested it thoroughly so consider this a preview.


    Keycloak 是一个为浏览器和 RESTful Web 服务提供 SSO 的集成。基于 OAuth 2.0 和 JSON Web Token(JWT) 规范。最开始是面向 JBoss 和 Wildfly 通讯,但已经计划为其他诸如 Tomcat、Jetty、Node.js、Rails、Grails 等环境提供解决方案。
    Keycloak 1.2.0.CR1 发布,SSO 集成解决方案下载地址