NSClient++ 发布,此版本主要是 bug 修复,还有一些小的新特性。 此版本现已提供下载。 更新日志: 2015-04-29 Michael Medin Improved handling around connection failures #142 Improved security when external scripts fails command lines which may contain password are no longer returned 2015-04-27 Michael Medin Improved the logging around connection failures Improved the reporter syntax: reporter.exe send b1438ab2-20a3-4b2d-bc30-7c3033c084e1.dmp 2015-04-08 Michael Medin #139 Added support for showing file dates in local time (not just UTC) Added check_ping command and CheckNet module Fixed a few potential crashes with check_nt 2015-03-24 Michael Medin #123 fixed CheckAllOthers #124 Fixed problem count variable #131 Added support for service= to check_service A lot of infrastrucutre changes and build fixes 2015-02-23 Michael Medin Fixed check_files empty message to say files not drives. #114 Fixed issue with empty-state which was ignored A lot of infrastrucutre changes and build fixes 2015-02-14 Michael Medin Fix incorrect variable in check_page_filter() Add pct to check_pagefile This is basically a clone of f90ab0b which added pct to check_memory. NSClient++ 是 Nagios 监控系统在 Windows 下的客户端软件。 NSClient++ 发布下载地址