tmux 2.0 发布,直接从 1.9 版本跨到了 2.0 版本。 不兼容更新: * The choose-list command has been removed. * 'terminal-overrides' is now a server option, not a session option. * 'message-limit' is now a server option, not a session option. * 'monitor-content' option has been removed. * 'pane_start_path' option has been removed. * The "info" mechanism which used to (for some commands) provide feedback has been removed, and like other commands, they now produce nothing on success. 正常更新: * tmux can now write an entry to utmp if the library 'utempter' is present at compile time. * set-buffer learned append mode (-a), and a corresponding 'append-selection' command has been added to copy-mode. * choose-mode now has the following commands which can be bound: - start-of-list - end-of-list - top-line - bottom-line * choose-buffer now understands UTF-8. * Pane navigation has changed. * 'set-buffer' can now be told to give names to buffers. * The 'new-session', 'new-window', 'split-window', and 'respawn-pane' commands now understand multiple arguments and handle quoting problems correctly. * 'capture-pane' understands '-S-' to mean the start of the pane, and '-E-' to mean the end of the pane. * Support for function keys beyond F12 has changed. F13 becomes a binding of S-F1 * Support using pane id as part of session or window specifier (so % means session-of-%1 or window-of-%1) and window id as part of session (so @1 means session-of-@1). * 'copy-pipe' command now understands formats via -F * 'if-shell' command now understands formats via -F * 'split-window' and 'join-window' understand -b to create the pane to the left or above the target pane 更多更新内容请查看发行页面。 此版本现已提供下载:Download tmux-2.0.tar.gz (455.8 kB) tmux 是一个与 GNU screen 类似的程序,可作为后者的替代品使用。tmux 采用 BSD 许可授权,其最新版本(当前是 0.5)的源代码可从 SourceForge 网站下载。 如上图所示,启动 tmux 后,在窗口底部有状态行显示,其中包括已创建的窗口列表、当前窗口(使用 * 表示)等。 与 GNU screen 相似,tmux 也使用快捷键来执行相关操作。要创建一个新的窗口,可以按 C-b c,即先按 Ctrl-b,再按 c。在各个窗口间切换可使用下列快捷键: C-b n 切换到下一个窗口 C-b p 切换到上一个窗口 C-b 0、C-b 1……C-b n 切换到第 n 个窗口 分离会话可执行 C-b d 。 通过 man tmux 可以获得更详尽的 tmux 使用指南。 tmux 2.0 发布,Linux 终端复用器下载地址