Apache Syncope 1.2.4 发布了,改进记录包括: Bug [SYNCOPE-654] - Some generic and uninformative error messages [SYNCOPE-655] - Files under /etc/apache-syncope ignored [SYNCOPE-656] - Debian configuration files overwrittern [SYNCOPE-658] - Duplicate derived attribute after sync task when it is configured as accountid for the synched resource [SYNCOPE-659] - Wrong fasterxml.jackson, common-lang3 version in the Import-Package in the syncope-common, syncope-client [SYNCOPE-664] - Empty string values not allowed with Oracle DB Improvement [SYNCOPE-663] - Option to ignore users / roles during synchronization or push Apache Syncope 是用在企业环境的数字身份管理,在JEE技术的实施和Apache 2.0许可下发布的开源系统。 Apache Syncope 1.2.4 发布,数字身份管理下载地址