《霍比特人》里半兽人语、精灵语是以什么语言为基础的? StriderZhang,经济学在读、空手道练习者、魔戒、巴萨!、高达和各种模型 原答案:笼统来答,魔戒作者 j.R.R 托尔金在 1925-1945 年在牛津大学学习盎格鲁萨克逊语,其本人是一个优秀的语言学家。魔戒的昆雅语主要构想是从北欧古语等来的。 —具体补充— PART1:总论~ 魔戒中的精灵语是原著作者 J.R.R.托尔金的自创语言,托尔金幼年时代就显示出了对语言的浓厚兴趣,他的妈妈梅布尔·托尔金教他学了拉丁语和希腊语,托尔金不仅学的很好,而且在 10 岁之前就开始发明语言,自娱自乐。 首先要说的是,精灵文和精灵语是不同的概念。类比汉字和汉语,一个是文字,一个是语言,当然广义的语言包含文字在内。魔戒中的精灵语有两种比较知名,一是昆雅语(Quenya),另一个就是辛达语 (Sindarin)。 两种语言都相对完善。这两种精灵语均可以用拉丁字母自左至右书写,但托尔金还为其设定了两种专门的字母体系:腾格瓦(Tengwar)和色斯(Cirth)。腾格瓦是托尔金的完全自创(膜拜一下),而色斯则是模仿自北欧的如尼文。昆雅语主要借鉴自芬兰语,而辛达林语则与威尔士语类似。 PART2: 下面主要讲讲昆雅语~ 昆雅语本身主要模仿自芬兰语,而在精灵的生活当中,昆雅语的地位与我们现实中的拉丁语相仿,昆雅语有个别名就是 Elven-latin(精灵的拉丁语) 昆雅语与拉丁语在彼此世界的类似之处主要总结四点: 1、都很古老。昆雅语是当时存在的最古老的精灵语,保留了古精灵语的众多特色。而拉丁语也是一门古老的语种。 2、都曾被广泛的使用。昆雅语是阿门洲的主要通用语;而拉丁语曾是罗马帝国的官方语言,基督教流行后更具影响力。 3、现实的使用已经很少。昆雅语在中土第三纪元末期(也就是魔戒战争时期),只有极少数的诺多精灵以及努曼诺尔王族使用。拉丁语基本现在只在梵蒂冈使用了。 4、现实中的意义依旧非常大。许多重要地名依旧是用昆雅语命名,而努曼诺尔历代正统君王必须取一个昆雅语的名字(比如阿拉贡的昆雅语名 Elessar,精灵宝石)。远古时期大量的传说也是靠昆雅语文献保存下来。在魔戒的电影里,昆雅语使用的也非常少,但在一些关键场合的宣言就用的是昆雅语。 请看下面电影中四处使用昆雅语的举例: 甘道夫在莫利亚大门外使用的咒语 Ando Eldarinwa a lasta quettanya, Fenda Casarinwa! 精灵制造的大门听从我的指令,矮人的入口! 盖拉缀尔向(未来的外孙女婿 XD)阿拉贡告别时 Namárie! 再见了 弗罗多在蜘蛛洞中举起埃兰迪尔之光时所说的话 Aiya Eärendil Elenion Ancalima! 向最明亮的星辰埃兰迪尔致敬! 阿拉贡登基时唱的曲子 Et Earello Endorenna utúlien.Sinome maruvan ar Hildinyar tenn' Ambar-metta! 越过大海我来到中土世界,我和我的子嗣将永居于此地,直到世界末日! 可见,昆雅语常用在咒语、官方大典、学术等方面。相对应的,目前拉丁语在学术上依旧很重要,生物的命名就必须使用拉丁语(每次帮我妈检查拉丁语植物名的时候我真的好痛苦) PART3: 腾格瓦文字对照表 1、数字对照表 a series of alphabetical symbols, a set of numerical symbols were sometimes also used. Normally Tengwar letters 1 thru 36 were used to represent numbers 1 thru 36. To distinguish these from regular letters, a dot or a bar could be placed above the symbol. This was most commonly used when identifying items on a list. For Example: Also a more sophisticated numbering system was developed. Unique symbols were used to represent a decimal numbering system (Base-10, numbers 0 thru 9). Here they are listed along with their Quenya name: To avoid confusion with other Tengwar letters, strings of decimal numbers were also marked with over-bars or over-dots. While our modern numbering system places the least significant value on the right and the most significant value on the left, the Tengwar number system places the least significant value on the left and the most significant value on the right. This makes Tengwar numbers appear to be backwards. So using the decimal numbering system; the number 1995 could be written: First, the number is written in the standard, normal manner. Then the order of the numbers are reversed. Third, Tengwar numerals are substituted for the modern, standard ones. Finally, over-dots (or over-bars) are added to identify it as an Base-10 numerical string. Some cultures adapted the decimal numbering system to make a duodecimal numbering system (Base-12, numbers 0 thru 11) by adding two more symbols. Here they are listed along with their Quenya name: Also to avoid confusion with other Tengwar letters, strings of duodecimal numbers were marked with under-bars or under-dots. Like the decimal number system, the duodecimal number system places the least significant value on the left and the most significant value on the right. A small under-circle was sometimes used (in place of the under-bar or under-dot) to identify the least significant digit. So using the duodecimal numbering system; the number 1995 could be written: First, the number is written in the standard, decimal mode. Then it is written in the duodecimal mode. Third, the order of the numbers are reversed. Fourth, Tengwar numerals are substituted for the modern, standard ones. Finally, under-dots (or over-bars), and the least significant digit marker are added to identify it as an duodecimal numerical string. 2、昆雅语字幕对照表 3、色斯语对照表 已经非常不好找了,勉强找到了一张照片。补充~!魔戒后附录上有色斯字母对照表 最后希望大家有兴趣多多了解这两种语言哦~很有意思的~~极端狂热者还用昆雅语表演了莎士比亚戏剧~其他相关资料在魔戒的相关书籍后的附注上也有很多资料可以了解~~~ 谢谢大家的阅读咯~ 查看知乎原文