Hibernate Search 5.3.0.Beta1 发布了,该版本全面支持原生的 Lucene Faceting 技术。 看看现在的注解实现方式: @Indexed public class Quux { @DocumentId private Integer id; @Field(analyze = Analyze.NO), @Facets({ @Facet, @Facet(name = "string_facet_value", encoding = FacetEncodingType.STRING) }) private double value; } 其他方面改进内容: Bug [HSEARCH-900] - Faceting with manytoone relationship give wrong faceting count Improvement [HSEARCH-812] - Possibiltiy to set boolean type (SHOULD/MUST) when selecting multiple facets [HSEARCH-1848] - Replace the Infinispan Directory provider with the one distributed by the Infinispan project Task [HSEARCH-809] - Make use of the new faceting API offered by Lucene 下载 zip 包:SourceForge Hibernate Search 5.3.0.Beta1 发布下载地址