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新闻 Sequelize.js 3.0.0 发布,Node.js 的 ORM 框架 下载

本帖由 漂亮的石头2015-05-19 发布。版面名称:软件资讯

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    Sequelize.js 提供对 MySQLMariaDBSQLitePostgreSQL 数据库的简单访问,通过映射数据库条目到对象,或者对象到数据库条目。简而言之,就是 ORM(Object-Relational-Mapper)。Sequelize.js 完全是使用 JavaScript 编写,适用于 Node.js 的环境。

    Sequelize.js 3.0.0 发布,此版本清理了废弃的代码,更好的维护和开发。


    • [ADDED] findById / findByPrimary takes a single value as argument representing the primary key to find.

    • [CHANGED] belongsToMany relations MUST now be given a through argument.

    • [CHANGED] findOne / findAll / findAndCount / findOrCreate now only takes a single options argument instead of a options and queryOptions argument. So set transaction, raw, etc on the first options argument.

    • [CHANGED] The accessor for belongsToMany relationships is now either the as argument or the target model name pluralized.

    • [REMOVED] N:M relationships can no longer be represented by 2 x hasMany

    • [REMOVED] Model.create / Model.bulkCreate / Instance.save no longer takes an array of fields as its second argument, use options.fields instead.

    • [REMOVED] Query Chainer has been removed

    • [REMOVED] Migrations have been removed, use umzug instead

    • [REMOVED] Model.findAllJoin has been removed

    • [REMOVED] sequelize.query now only takes sql and options as arguments, the second and fourth argument callee and replacements have been removed and should be set via options.instance / options.model and options.replacements instead.

    • [REMOVED] instance.isDirty has been removed, use instance.changed() instead

    • [REMOVED] instance.values has been removed, use instance.get() instead

    • [REMOVED] instance.primaryKeyValues has been removed.

    • [REMOVED] instance.identifiers has been removed, use instance.where() instead

    • [REMOVED] instance.isDeleted has been removed, simply check the timestamp with get('deletedAt') instead

    • [REMOVED] instance.increment/decrement now longer takes a number as it's second argument.

    • [REMOVED/SECURITY] findOne no longer takes a string / integer / binary argument to represent a primaryKey. Use findById instead

    • [REMOVED/SECURITY] where: "raw query" is no longer legal, you must now explicitely use where: ["raw query", [replacements]]

    • [BUG] Fix showIndexQuery so appropriate indexes are returned when a schema is used

    • [BUG] Fix addIndexQuery error when the model has a schema

    • [BUG] Fix app crash in sqlite while running in special unique constraint errors #3730

    • [BUG] Fix bulkCreate: do not insert NULL for undefined values #3729

    • [BUG] Fix trying to roll back a comitted transaction if an error occured while comitting resulting in an unhandled rejection #3726

    • [BUG] Fix regression in beforeUpdate hook where instance.changed() would always be false #3727

    • [BUG] Fix trying to roll back a comitted transaction if an error occured while comitting

    • Most of the changes in 3.0.0 are BC breaking, read the changelog for 3.0.0 carefully.

    • The error that is thrown when a column is declared to be an enum but without any values used to "Values for ENUM haven't been defined" and is now "Values for ENUM have not been defined".

    Sequelize.js 3.0.0 发布,Node.js 的 ORM 框架下载地址