JBoss Forge 2.16.1.Final (Club) 发布,此版本现已提供下载。 值得关注的更新: 新命令:可以创建 CDI 扩展,观察者方法,注释文字,注入点等等 组件升级:Furnace 和 Roaster 更新内容 Bug 修复 [FORGE-2221] - No indication Forge is loading in console [FORGE-2306] - Support empty @AddonDependencies declaration in NewFurnaceTestCommand [FORGE-2322] - faces-new-validator generates a @FacesConverter 组件升级 [FORGE-2310] - Upgrade to Roaster 2.13.2.Final [FORGE-2311] - Upgrade to Furnace 2.18.1.Final 改进 [FORGE-2317] - Improve delete recursive. [FORGE-2321] - Refactor common code into the xxxOperations classes 新特性 [FORGE-2309] - Create mv (Move) command [FORGE-2315] - Add move for FileResources [FORGE-2327] - Being able to create CDI AnnotationLiterals 子任务 [FORGE-2082] - Being able to add a new CDI event observer to an existing class [FORGE-2086] - Being able to create a new CDI extension [FORGE-2177] - Being able to create a new REST endpoint [FORGE-2226] - Being able to add a CDI injection point [FORGE-2323] - Being able to create a new servlet [FORGE-2325] - JSF converter and validator should be under the view package 更多内容请看发行说明。 Forge 是一个快速应用开发工具,用来开发 J2EE 应用,提供一个可扩展的插件系统,强大的命令方式等等特性。 JBoss Forge 2.16.1.Final (Club) 发布下载地址