现在通用的关机键图标,最早出自谁之手? ABEL苏,UI / UX / ART / HIP-HOP 关机图标其实在 UI 界面出现之前就存在于各种电器上。 这个图标是由 The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 制定的。 * IEC 官网:Welcome to the IEC * IEC = 国际电工委员会,不知道这么翻译对不对…… IEC 5007, the power on (line) symbol, appearing on a button or one end of a toggle switch indicates that the control places the equipment into a fully powered state. It comes from the binary system (1 or | means on) 代表开启(连接) IEC 5008, the power off (circle) symbol on a button or toggle, indicates that using the control will disconnect power to the device. It comes from the binary system (0 means off) 代表关闭(断开) IEC 5010, the power on-off symbol (line within a circle), is used on buttons that switch a device between on and fully off states. 代表可以切换开 / 关状态的按钮。 IEC 5009, the standby symbol (line partially within a broken circle), indicates a sleep mode or low power state.代表睡眠模式或者低电量运行 The switch does not fully disconnect the device from its power supply. This may appear on a toggle switch opposite a power on symbol, alone on a pushbutton that places the device into a standby state, or alone on a button that switches between on and standby. 这就是我们熟悉的 开关按钮 A crescent moon, indicating sleep, is added by IEEE 1621 as a replacement for the standby symbol. 代表睡眠模式 参见 wiki: Power symbol 知识来源: Power On/Off: Symbology Explained 查看知乎原文