UltimateRecyclerview 0.3.4 今天发布,在在原有基础上,增加了如下特性: ###Changes in 0.3.4: - [x] support different layout in adapter - [x] support easy way to use admob - [x] loading adapter with animations ###Changes in 0.3.2: - [x] add a empty view when the adapter do not have data - [x] add some colorful styles of `swipe to refresh` - [x] add swapAdapter() ,getAdapter() etc. - [x] Custom FAB style - [x] add support for scrollbars of RecyclerView - [x] add method set background color of recyclerview - [x] add method to set default swipe to dismiss color UltimateRecyclerview是一种功能强大的RecyclerView(advanced and flexible version of ListView),包括了下拉刷新,加载更多,多种动画,空数据提示,拖动排序,视差处理,工具栏渐变,滑动删除,自定义floating button,多种刷新效果,scrollbar等等元素,而且使用起来跟RecyclerView一样的方便。 项目地址:https://github.com/cymcsg/UltimateRecyclerView (Issue和Pull Request请提交在这里) git@osc地址:http://git.oschina.net/marshalchen/UltimateRecyclerview UltimateRecyclerview 0.3.4 发布,增加新特性下载地址