Vue.js 0.12.0 Beta4 发布,相比 0.12.0 Beta3 版本来说,此版本有一个重大的突破——筛选器参数语法已被重写。现在非引用参数被视为动态路径 (当筛选器函数调用时,它和参数将从虚拟机中自动检索) ;只有引号中的参数作为普通字符串传递。示例如下: {{ msg | filter argA 'argB' }} 性能提升: options param for v-model now also respects disabled: true in the options array. (via #861 by @holic) v-transition now adds a .v-transition class at all times; in the case of v-transition="fade", the added class will be .fade-transition. This removes the need to manually add an additional class just to give the element transition property. Internally Vue now uses empty text nodes instead of comment nodes as DOM-manipulation anchors. This results in much cleaner HTML output. When in debug mode, comment nodes will still be used to help better analyze the structure of the rendered DOM. 此版本现已提供下载: 更多内容请查看发行页面。 Vue.js 是构建 Web 界面的 JavaScript 库,提供数据驱动的组件,还有简单灵活的 API,使得 MVVM 更简单。 支持的浏览器: Vue.js 0.12.0 Beta4 发布,JavaScript 库下载地址