Hibernate Validator 5.2.0.CR1 发布,修复了一些 bug 并新增了一些特性功能。 Bug 修复 [HV-726] - Retrieve constraint target from composing constraints for purely composed constraints [HV-847] - Custom constraint causes "target cannot be inferred" exception when used for return value [HV-897] - Create a TimeProvider contract to get the current data time [HV-975] - NullPointerException in ValueContext.appendNode [HV-976] - Optional and Type Annotations [HV-977] - OptionalValueUnwrapper needs to handle null values passed to handleValidatedValue [HV-978] - Generic method is not validated [HV-979] - CPF Validation still fails (partly) [HV-982] - SNAPSHOT deploy fails with compiler error [HV-993] - OSGi metadata is missing optional import for com.thoughtworks.paranamer [HV-997] - Upgrade asciidoctor plugin 性能提升 [HV-846] - Make hibernate-validator-cdi OSGI compliant [HV-941] - Documentation review and improvements (chapter 1,2,11) [HV-974] - Deploy the test util artifact [HV-980] - Store violated element of a java.util.Set in Path [HV-985] - Update to Classmate 1.1.0 or latest [HV-989] - ConcurrentReferenceHashMap is inadvertently licensed as LGPL 任务 [HV-892] - Update javadoc css templates to match the JDK doclet output [HV-899] - Errors during javadoc creations [HV-981] - Remove @Future and @Past validators validation partial dates 详细信息请查看发行页面。 用Annotations 给类或者类的属性加上约束(constraint),在运行期检查属性值是很优雅的.Hibernate Validator就是这样的一个框架.该框架是十分容易的(就像参考文档中宣称的那样),几乎没有什么学习曲线,Validator 是一个验证框架 不需要和Hibernate的其他部分绑定就可以使用,只要在你的项目中添加Hibernate-annotations.jar库就可以了. Hibernate Validator 5.2.0.CR1 发布,数据验证框架下载地址