Vue.js 0.12.0-rc 发布,现已提供下载。 改进 v-repeat now supports using track-by="$index" when there's no key to track. This causes Vue to reuse the DOM elements and child instances in place without re-ordering them, so prefer using it on simple repeats without interactivity. Literal props are now supported when manually mounting a root instance. Paths containing dynamic segments, e.g. a will now create the path if not already present, however, it will throw a warning and prompt you to pre-initialize the path if possible. 修复 props are now properly persisted when an instance's $data is replaced. Vue.js 是构建 Web 界面的 JavaScript 库,提供数据驱动的组件,还有简单灵活的 API,使得 MVVM 更简单。 支持的浏览器: Vue.js 0.12.0-rc 发布,JavaScript 库下载地址