Vue.js 0.12.0 RC2 发布,此版本更新内容如下: Support staggering transitions for v-repeat. demo Simply add a stagger attribute Support expressions in content selectors. (resolved only once) v-class can now accept an object value. The keys will be used as class names and toggled based on the truthy-ness of the value. Warnings in debug mode now prints the error stack instead of invoking the debugger statement. 其他重要改进 When v-ref is used together with v-repeat, and the value being repeated on is an Object, the corresponding ref will also be an Object, with its keys pointing to the associated child instances. Transition cancel hook: you can now use enterCancelled and leaveCancelled hooks to handle a cancelled transition. Functions returned in enter and leave hooks are no longer respected. Bug 修复 #887, #892, #893 更多内容请看发行说明。 此版本现已提供下载:。 Vue.js 是构建 Web 界面的 JavaScript 库,提供数据驱动的组件,还有简单灵活的 API,使得 MVVM 更简单。 支持的浏览器: Vue.js 0.12.0 RC2 发布,JavaScript 库下载地址