Hawkular 1.0 Alpha1 发布了,Hawkular 是一个开源的监控解决方案,是 RHQ 项目 的改进版本,受益于多年的经验,Hawkular 设计之初就考虑模块化和可伸缩性,因此组件可在应用之外进行重用。Hawkular 可以接收来自不同源的监控数据,包括 collectd、gmond 等等。 Hawkular 可以让你以应用为中心的视图对整个可连接资源的架构进行监控,并可以很入到应用中某个单独资源进行浏览。 下载地址: Hawkular 1.0.0.Alpha1 (zip) Hawkular 1.0.0.Alpha1 (tar.gz) 改进记录: Bug [HAWKULAR-95] - Send avail reports to metrics and alerts for data from pinger [HAWKULAR-138] - Kettle rarely shutdown gracefully [HAWKULAR-140] - Fix localhost:8080 on resources [HAWKULAR-163] - hawkular installation fails at Hawkular Kettle [HAWKULAR-172] - Inventory REST Pagination "last" link is not correct [HAWKULAR-224] - "Failed in retrieving the current persona" with [HAWKULAR-239] - Permission checker - user should be owner of sub resource [HAWKULAR-241] - Dialog when Logged Out does not present alternatives [HAWKULAR-263] - Pinger needs to listen on deleted url messages [HAWKULAR-266] - Embedded Agent won’t work if the server is not listening to localhost [HAWKULAR-267] - "jpkroehling" in the logs [HAWKULAR-269] - Dependency on localhost:8080 [HAWKULAR-273] - Git Injection Attack from special git comments [HAWKULAR-276] - 'jdoe' in configuration.xml [HAWKULAR-281] - Response time: -1 when the pinger can’t tell the response time [HAWKULAR-285] - WF monitor started with a port-offset: can’t do anything without a feed [HAWKULAR-286] - NPE when creating entity manager - Alerts [HAWKULAR-292] - xsl is putting logging namespace all over standalone.xml [HAWKULAR-294] - No availability reported when WFLY server is down [HAWKULAR-297] - Unable to add, remove and again the same URL under the same tenant (existing trigger) [HAWKULAR-299] - TraitsPublisher wants to save data to resources that might have been deleted in the meantime [HAWKULAR-302] - Implement alerts resolution in the console [HAWKULAR-307] - Server list doesn’t work properly when there is no server in the list Enhancement [HAWKULAR-135] - Make pinger support https [HAWKULAR-144] - Make pinger support GET requests [HAWKULAR-153] - Avoid browser caching when upgrading [HAWKULAR-169] - Make WildFly agent authenticate against Hawkular [HAWKULAR-185] - Add IDs for selenium to be able to log out [HAWKULAR-215] - Make Cassandra instance shareable across components in Kettle [HAWKULAR-249] - Adjust default realm to provided IP instead of localhost. [HAWKULAR-258] - Add integration tests WildFly profile [HAWKULAR-306] - Need a 'Resolve All' Button [HAWKULAR-316] - Add favicon to Hawkular Console Feature Request [HAWKULAR-6] - Create a setup that pulls all hawkular-projects in a Wfly instance [HAWKULAR-87] - Take WildFly agent and make it talk to Hawkular [HAWKULAR-88] - Seed wildfly-agent with sensible defaults [HAWKULAR-89] - Expose applications inside WildFly monitor [HAWKULAR-90] - Discover and report database connections [HAWKULAR-164] - Take WildFly agent and make it send (base) metrics to Hawkular [HAWKULAR-173] - Collect traits from a URL [HAWKULAR-180] - Disable creating sub-organizations [HAWKULAR-187] - Integrate Application Servers list with Backend Task [HAWKULAR-2] - Prototype of Console using Hawt.io 2 [HAWKULAR-177] - liquibase spams the log with ton of warnings [HAWKULAR-233] - Manage Mockito in Hawkular Parent [HAWKULAR-235] - Make Pinger listen to URLs removed [HAWKULAR-238] - Fix hawkular-end-to-end-tests [HAWKULAR-250] - Native library gets built for admin console [HAWKULAR-257] - Run end to end tests by Travis [HAWKULAR-260] - Build cleanup - replace "/" by "path.separator" [HAWKULAR-261] - Sync changes from hawkular dist into hawkular-accounts dist [HAWKULAR-275] - Move keycloak.import to standalone.xml [HAWKULAR-279] - dev profile cleanup [HAWKULAR-282] - Workaround the misbehaving inventory delete [HAWKULAR-284] - Adapt pinger, avail creator and e2e test to metrics 0.3.4 [HAWKULAR-289] - standalone.xml should contain -dev configuration when built with -Pdev Sub-task [HAWKULAR-33] - Metrics View Availability Screen [HAWKULAR-125] - Regular Pagination (for App List) [HAWKULAR-129] - Move Alerts section to the top of the URL Metrics page. [HAWKULAR-146] - New App List Page [HAWKULAR-198] - New Url List [HAWKULAR-255] - Added URL displayed twice [HAWKULAR-265] - Integrate new Alerts API [HAWKULAR-295] - Avail chart interval computation wrong [HAWKULAR-300] - Fix Availability Refresh button [HAWKULAR-301] - Disable Detail Pages from App list view for M1 release [HAWKULAR-303] - Console: URL List "Last Downtime" only takes last 24h into account [HAWKULAR-304] - UXD Label Change [HAWKULAR-313] - Avail Chart Hover Message should have state, not only duration Hawkular 1.0 Alpha1 发布,监控解决方案下载地址