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新闻 Apache Ant 1.9.5 发布 下载

本帖由 漂亮的石头2015-06-05 发布。版面名称:软件资讯

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    Apache Ant 1.9.5 发布,此版本主要是个 bug 修复版本,也包括一些新特性,比如新资源集合 allbutlast/allbutfirst,作为现有资源 first/last 的补充。



    - -------------------------------------------

    * The ReplaceTokens filter can now use token-separators longer than
    one character.
    Bugzilla Report 56584

    * The changes that added <get>'s support for gzip encoding
    automatically uncompressed content that would not have been touched
    before - like when downloading .tar.gz files. A new flag has
    been added to control the behavior and its default will make <get>
    work as it did in 1.9.3.
    Bugzilla Report 57048

    Bugs 修复
    - -----------

    * TarArchiveInputStream failed to read archives with empty gid/uid
    Bugzilla Report 56641

    * TarArchiveInputStream could throw IOException when reading PAX
    headers from a "slow" InputStream.

    * XMLJunitResultFormatter could throw NullPointerException if Java
    cannot determine the local hostname.
    Bugzilla Report 56593

    * URLResource#getLastModified tried to access the connection to the
    URL without making sure it was established, potentially leading to
    a NullPointerException when using FTP.
    Bugzilla Report 56873

    * Long-Name and -link or PAX-header entries in TAR archives
    always had the current time as last modfication time, creating
    archives that are different at the byte level each time an
    archive was built.

    * runant.py should now work as well when the path of the Java
    executable contains spaces.
    github pull request #1

    * <junitreport> now supports nested <classpath> and <factory> elements.
    Bugzilla Report 47002

    * complete-ant-cmd.pl now also knows about the -file option.
    Bugzilla Report 57371

    * the br-replace template inside the XSLT stylesheets used by
    <junitreport> could cause stack overflows or out-of-memory errors
    when applied to big outputs.
    Bugzilla Report 57341

    * removed spurious warning about unclosed ZipFiles when reading the
    archive failed.
    Port of https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/COMPRESS-297

    * FileUtils.rename which is used by several tasks can throw a
    NullPointerException if the "normal" renameTo operation fails and
    an exception occurs while rename falls back to copying and
    deleting the file.
    Bugzilla Report 57533

    * complete-ant-cmd.pl would incorrectly suggest words from the build
    file description.
    Bugzilla Report 51931

    * complete-ant-cmd.pl now also completes tasks without a description.
    Bugzilla Report 57542

    * LocalPropertyStack could run into ConcurrentModificationException
    when tasks spawned new child threads that accessed the properties.
    Bugzilla Report 55074

    * TarEntry's constructor with a File and a String arg didn't
    normalize the name.

    * Between 1.8.4 and 1.9.0 TarInputStream started to parse file
    names using the platform's default encoding rather than as ASCII.
    This has been a breaking change that has never been marked as such
    (in fact it went unnoticed). In order to allow <untar> and
    <tarfileset> to work on platforms who's encoding doesn't match
    the encoding of file names inside the archive, both now support
    encoding attributes.
    The attribute has also been added to <tar> for symmetry.
    Bugzilla Report 57822

    - --------------

    * it is now possible to provide proxy configuration to signjar
    when using the timestamped authority.
    Bugzilla Report 56678

    * complete-ant-cmd.pl now also analyzes the ANT_ARGS environment
    Bugzilla Report 57371

    * ported some of the write-optimization of Commons Compress 1.10 to
    the ZIP package

    * adapted unit tests to Java9 and added "javac1.9" as valid option
    for javac's compiler attribute.

    * performance improvements for <intersect>
    Bugzilla Report 57588

    * MailLogger can now add CC and BCC addresses.
    Bugzilla Report 57789.

    * <scp>'s buffer size has been increased from 1k to 100k to match
    <ftp> and <get>.
    github pull requests #8 and #9

    * The tar package can now deal with group and user ids bigger than

    * <scp> has new attributes fileMode and dirMode that control the
    permissions on the remote side when sending data via SSH.
    Bugzilla Report 43271.

    * New <allbutlast> and <allbutfirst> resource collections can be used
    to select all but a given subset of a resource collection.
    Bugzilla Report 57834.

    Apache Ant,是一个将软件编译、测试、部署等步骤联系在一起加以自动化的一个工具,大多用于Java环境中的软件开发。由Apache软件基金会所提供。

    在线API doc:http://tool.oschina.net/apidocs/apidoc?api=ant-1.8.4
    Apache Ant 1.9.5 发布下载地址