angular.js 1.3.16 发布,更新内容如下: Bug 修复 $compile: throw error on invalid directive name (634e4671,#11281, #11109) $cookies: update $cookies to prevent duplicate cookie writes and play nice with external code (706a93ab,#11490, #11515) $http: throw error if success and error methods do not receive a function (731e1f65,#11330, #11333) core: ensure that multiple requests to requestAnimationFrame are buffered (0adc0364,#11791) filterFilter: fix matching against null/undefined(9dd0fe35,#11573, #11617) jqLite: check for "length" in obj in isArrayLike to prevent iOS8 JIT bug from surfacing (647f3f55,#11508) attr should ignore comment, text and attribute nodes (181e5ebc) ngAnimate: ensure that minified repaint code isn't removed (d5c99ea4,#9936) ngAria: handle elements with role="checkbox/menuitemcheckbox" (1c282af5,#11317, #11321) ngModel: allow setting model to NaN when asyncValidator is present (b64519fe,#11315, #11411) ngTouch: check undefined tagName for SVG event target (7560a8d2) register touches properly when jQuery is used (40441f6d,#4001, #8584, #10797, #11488) select: prevent unknown option being added to select when bound to null property (9e3f82bb,#11872, #11875) 特性 travis: run unit tests on iOS 8 (1f650871,#11479) 该版本下载请点这里。 Angular JS (Angular.JS) 是一组用来开发Web页面的框架、模板以及数据绑定和丰富UI组件。它支持整个开发进程,提供web应用的架构,无需进行手工DOM操作。 AngularJS很小,只有60K,兼容主流浏览器,与 jQuery 配合良好。 angular.js 1.3.16 发布,HTML的Web框架下载地址